Chapter 20: Wrath

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You were now sitting in the corner of the room crying and crying and crying. Heartbroken, used, betrayed by Joseph. You couldn't believe that he would do this to you. You actually trusted the enemy after everyone warned you about him but you were blind. So blind that he found your parents and killed them in front of you. He didn't even stop John for making you sacrifice The Marshal. You wanted to find your purpose and this was one of them. Sacrifice your heart. Let go of those you love and save many. It killed you more inside that you even loved Joseph. That's right, you fell in love with him and you don't even know how or why


You look as the door opens. It was Joseph. You look away, disgusted that he'd actually show his face to you. Rage was boiling in you as he walked up to you. You look down with a glare on your face

Joseph: I know you're very angry with me and I'm sorry to do that to you but we have to make sacrifices in our lives. They will be more tests like that as time goes on

You wish you could talk and tell him to fuck off but all you could do was listen. He kneels down in front of you

Joseph: Look at me Eden

You keep your head down as tears slide down your face. He lifts his hand to touch your face but you slap it away while breathing heavily. Joseph grabs your wrists tightly, surprising you so you try pulling away. He forces you up and puts you against the wall

Joseph: Stop this! Do not let Wrath consume you from this!

You're still trying to get away as he's talking

Joseph: Your parents believed in me! They knew I was right! That's why they took you away from me! They betrayed me! My own children!

You shove him away

Joseph: I told them God would bring you to me. They can hide you away all they want but God will find you and that's exactly what happened

You grab the board and marker and write "you used me"

Joseph: Used you?! I saved you! God saved you!

You shake your head, erase the board, and put in all caps" THERE IS NO FUCKING GOD" his mouth drops

Joseph: You take that back now child

He starts moving towards you. His teeth was clenched when he talked

Joseph: Take it back and apologize to God. He has protected you and you deny him? I've taken you in, showed you my children, shown you our plans, guided you

You glare at him, erase the board, and write in all caps again "FUCK YOU" he glares as you throw the board on the floor. Joseph smacks you out of nowhere, catching you by surprise. You pause while your hands become fists, shaking. Joseph looks down at your hands but looks back you, pointing

Joseph: You will regret those words. As punishment...

He picks up your board and marker

Joseph: You will not "talk" to anyone. You will remain here day and night. You will get one meal a day

You roll your eyes and smirk. Joseph sees you

Joseph: Oh; you think this is a joke?

You just look at him still smirking

Joseph: We'll see how funny it really is

You let out a huff, get on your bed, and lean against the wall while folding your arms, still looking at him

Joseph: You are still The Prodigy and you will still help us reach New Eden whether you like it or not

He leaves. You hear the click at the door. You grab your face where Joseph slapped you at. Your heart broke more but you were enraged and you were thinking of something really bad in your head. Like I said, something had awoken

Hours later...

The door opens. The Peggy that brings you food comes in. He sees you sitting on the floor next to the end table. He goes over to the it and sets it down. He usually tries to talk to you but was quiet this time. Joseph must have told him not to talk to you since that was your punishment. He nods then starts walking to the door. The tray of food suddenly hits the wall, catching him by surprise

Peggy: What the fu...

You jump on his back while wrapping your arms around his neck, putting him in a sleeper hold. He tries grabbing you but you pull your head back so he can't reach you. You tighten your grip as the Peggy goes back, making you hit the wall but you don't let go. He falls to his knees then to the ground and passes out. You let go of him and stand, catching your breath and trying to calm the shakiness in your hands. You open his gun holster, take his gun, then leave the room. You're able to sneak pass everyone and go into the church where you know Joseph will be. There he was on his knees praying with his back turned. You quietly walk over to him

Joseph: Is this the path you want to take Eden?

You stop in shock that he knew it was you. He stands up and turns around to face you. You point the gun while getting closer to him

Joseph: After everything God and I have shown you; you want to take the path of Wrath?

You just glare

Joseph: Is this about your parents?

You just stand there but your eyes start to water, giving him the answer

Joseph: I had a family once

He rolls up his sleeve and shows you a tattoo of a woman

Joseph: This is my wife, beautiful isn't she? We were pregnant with our first child, we were babies ourselves. One day she was going to her friend's house and there was an accident. They said that wasn't going to make but my little girl was so they left me in a room with her and she had tubes connected to her and had her in my arms and that when I knew God was testing me. I had to make a choice so I put my hand on her head and we prayed then I grabbed a little plastic tape and put it on the tubes shut

Your eyes get wide

Joseph: And her little feet kicked and kicked...

He closes his eyes then opens them

Joseph: Until nothing...stillness

You shake your head, glaring even more. He starts walking up to you.
You quickly put your finger on the trigger

Joseph: I know what I did was wrong and if you pull that trigger I won't be mad just...disappointed in you that's all. If my time is now then I accept it. The world will burn. My family, my children will burn and it'll all be because of Wrath that's coursing through you when you yourself know you can save everyone

He stops inches away from you

Joseph: So go ahead child. Pull that trigger. End my pain

You start breathing heavily as your hand begins to shake, tears sliding down your face. You want to pull that trigger but your feelings are getting in the way, making you weak. You both lost your loved ones. He has his brother's and his people. You have no one. That could change if you don't pull the trigger. Joseph was just standing there staring at you, not afraid or anything. It was all just pointless to kill him. You lower your gun and look down as tears fall off your face and onto the floor. He sticks his hand out to you

Joseph: Give me the gun Eden and all will be forgiven. I promise no harm will come to you

He steps towards you but you step back and look at him with sad eyes, hopelessness. You catch your breath, put the gun to your head...

Joseph: NO!!!

He runs towards you as you pull the trigger


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