"He Doesn't Scare You?"

Start from the beginning

"Maybe you shouldn't be sleeping with my fucking fiance!"

Jess was now cowered in the corner, I couldn't blame him. Watching Harry fight for the first time had me feeling the same way.

"You guys are engaged?" Louis question to a silent room. "I would say congratulations, but I wouldn't want Janissa to marry a fucking psycho." I untangled myself from Harry's grips to usher Louis into the bathroom. His shirt was now scattered with blood, the white fabric now tainted red. With complete stubbornness, Louis took a place on the toilet, positioning himself so his front was towards me.

"Why the fuck would you want to marry someone like that?" He questioned. I ignored his words, pushing his head back, and cleaning the blood dripping down his neck. "Answer me." He demanded.

"He's not like that all the time." I defended. I was tired of everyone passing judgment on Harry when they only see him at his worst. They don't see him when he is playing with Jess, or in bed with me.

"He doesn't scare you? Not even a little?" Louis' question, did not bring me confusion. Yet, I was unable to answer with a simple answer. I felt the need to explain it. Just when I opened my mouth, Jess walked in through the door.

"He's drinking that brown stuff again." He whispered, looking down.

"I'll be right back."

Leaving Louis alone in the bathroom probably wasn't the nicest move, but it was definitely the smartest move. Walking into the kitchen, sure enough, there stood Harry in his usual position. He was leaning against the sink, his back to me, with a bottle in his hand. He took his sips by the gulps, and paused only when he needed to breathe.

"What are you doing?" I question, approaching him cautiously. He took a deep breath at the sound of my voice, but remained silent. "Harry?" I ask again, taking a few more steps to get closer to him. I placed my hand on his shoulder, watching his body relax.

"I can't do this anymore, Janissa." He breathed, taking another swig of his selected poison.

"What do you mean?" My voice was shaking, I knew what he was about to say. But if there was any way I could be wrong, I needed to know.

"It's just..." He breathed, his body shifted away from my touch, full front towards me. "It's to much..." I bit my lip trying to hold back my tears, failing, yet, unwilling to let them fall. I opened my mouth to protest, but was silenced by his words. "Don't..." He warned, avoiding my eyes, "don't make this harder on me, Janissa."

"Harder on you?" I whispered.


"What about me?" She questioned. Her voice was shaking, her body vibrating. I couldn't handle all of this. Chloe, Louis, Jess and Ian, everything was just getting to much, and I didn't like having Janissa in the middle.

"I love you." I whisper, avoiding her eyes, knowing fully that she was crying. I tried to pull her into my arms, but she backed away. I was hurt, but I knew I had no jurisdiction to be. I'm leaving her.

"No," She whispered, backing further away from me. Her eyes were watering, her face becoming red. I love Janissa with all of my heart, and I'm trying to keep my heart from breaking at the sight of her like this. Knowing I'm the reason her cheeks are tear stained is only adding to the hurt. "I," She cleared her throat, "Don't..."

Without her consent, I pulled her into my arms, now feeling her body shake against my chest. My lips met her hair, pressing her body further into mine. As she pulled away, I left a kiss on her cheek.

"I'm gonna leave..." She whispered, firmly wiping away her tears, and pull completely away from me.

"Janissa, I didn't want this to end badly-"

"Take care, Harry." She whispered, shouting a goodbye to Louis. As she approached the front door, I called out to her.

"Janissa, I'm your ride..." I state blankly.

"I'll walk." She demanded, walking out the door. My body was overcome with sadness, and anger. But my concern for Janissa's safety played in my mind. It took all I had to calmly approach the injured man in the bathroom, and ask him to drive her home. Brushing past my shoulder, he found his way through my front door as well.

Jess stood in the corner. Knowing he saw the whole thing caused me to grow frustrated, running a hand through my hair.

"Jess?" I whispered. His eyes met mine, blue eyes dulled with tears. "Come here." He shook his head.

"Why don't you love her anymore?" He asked.

"I do."

"You don't hurt someone you love, Harry." The lack of my nickname hitting me.

Jess shook his head again, running past me, and into his room before I could say a word. That night, I layed my head down on the pillow, but not before drinking my weight in Jack Daniels. There was honestly to much that demanded my attention. Jess's cancer, loosing the house, dealing with Chloe, getting rid of Ian... It was only a matter of time before Janissa left me, I just beat her to it. After about two, I couldn't remember a damn thing.


My eyes were pryed open by the sunlight trespassing through my blinds. The light was brighter than i remember, my head pounding. I haven't drank like that since my mother passed, even then. Fuck me. Jess was standing in my doorway, his mouth open as he stared in my bed. His eyes captivated my Janissa's side, causing me to turn my head. A warm body layed next to me, blonde hair scattered across the pillow. Her back was bare of clothing, as well as the rest of her body, only covered by the sheets that still lingered of Janissa.

"What did you do, Harry?" Jess whispered to me. His eyes met mine, both in a state of panic. I had no memory of last night, making the situation a million times worse. I had been single less that 24 hours, and i've already managed to fuck up.

"The one thing Janissa was afraid of..."

(I know, super fucked up. Anyways, hope you guys enjoyed it. Our Little Secret will be ending soon! Ahh.... Let me know what you thought about the chapter!!!! And if I should make those video things. )

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