sneak peak

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Since I'm about to go to sleep and haven't finished the newest chapter thought I'd let yall read a sneak peak of the next chapter! I'll be posting the completed chapter tomorrow! Sorry for the delay.

"Hey Dylan," Kelly says smiling her brightest smile. If I wouldn't have known better I would think she has a crush on him, my thoughts are suddenly confirmed as I see her bat her lashes at him when he joins us at a table.

Sitting right next to her and right in front of me, a smirk resting on his face as his eyes landed on mine.

What was he doing?

He's been saying hi to me in the hallways ever since the kiss, that kiss was a week ago now. That night was mostly a blur now, the one thing that remains in my brain is the need in that kiss. And the fact that he most likely doesn't remember it, but why would he talk to me like I haven't been a bitch to him all this time.

"Hey Kelly, Brenda." He greets smugly with that slight smile he always pulls.

"So whatcha doing this weekend?" Kelly asks him, his eyes avert from mine to hers.

Her hand rests on her chin, she has the flirty grin plastered on her face. This is news to me. I had no clue she liked Dylan.

"Riding the waves, you girls have plans this weekend?"

That's literally all I've wrote I'm not done I'll be writing the rest tomorrow! You all will be getting the completed chapter tomorrow!

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