Mr. Walsh

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Not even going to say what took me so long too much has happened since I last updated this story so thanks to anyone still reading and the new ones reading too. Short chapter sorry just wanted to get something out already to let yall know I haven't forgot about this story. :)


All throughout my route to the Walsh house I worried about Jack. It's been a few days since we last fought and he hasn't been around since. Just the fact I'm even thinking about him makes me angry, he's the father he should be worrying about me not the other way around. Why did I have to get stuck with carefree parents?

"Brandon!" Mr. Walsh yells as he opens the door to see me.

As Brandon starts to come down the stairs I look his way before saying, "Actually I'm here for Brenda."

Mr. Walsh gives me a stern look then and Brandon shakes his head. I really did it now.

"I'll go get her." Brandon says quickly and I'm thankful to get out of the awkwardness with Mr. Walsh. The sooner Brenda gets downstairs the better, but then I'm aware that as soon as Brandon leaves us the sooner I'm alone with Mr. Walsh and the eerie silence.

"And where do you think you're taking my daughter?" Mr. Walsh announces clearing the silence but not the awkwardness.

"Just to the beach, catch some waves."

"Brenda doesn't know how to surf."

"Yeah that's why I'm going to teach her sir." I'm even in shock over my manners, never before have I spoken with respect to my elders until now I don't know what's happening.

Even with my respectful words he did not take to what I said in a good way. Brenda's appearance next to her father was just what I needed, her to save me from this man.

"Dylan what are you doing here, weren't you going surfing?"

"Yes, we're going surfing."

"Dylan, I told you I don't know how to surf."

"I'm going to teach you, come on."

"I don't even have a suit."

"Then we'll get you one."
"Fine, Daddy, can I go surfing with Dylan?"

I felt it in my soul how much Mr. Walsh wanted to say no but he responded with a nod. Quick and to the point I like that. Then I grabbed Brenda's hand to hurry her out of the house.

"Dylan what's with you, what's the rush?" Brenda whined as we got outside and to my car.

"Uh, you didn't notice how badly your father wanted to kill me for even showing my presence in your house?"

"Don't be silly Dylan he wouldn't do that." Brenda laughed off as I opened the passenger door for her to get in.

"Father's don't take to me very kindly, I've yet to meet one that likes me." I say as I start the car.

"Where's Kelly? Isn't she coming too?"

"She'll meet us there, don't worry." I honestly had no idea if she would meet us there. I just assumed she might understand to just meet up there. I did say 'see you there', so if she shows up or not that's on her.

I'm quick to reach for the knob to turn down the volume as I start the car, not everyone likes music blasting their eardrums. She notices and smiles to herself. I feel a bit hot suddenly, must be the weather.

"Dylan, why did you invite me? I know you hate me, I'm still really sorry."

"I never said I hate you." I take a glance directly in her eyes before focusing back on the road.

The rest of the short trip to the beach is filled with only music, a peaceful silence.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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