wrong way

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I will be going into Dylan's pov often so just a heads up. I may have Dylan's life wrong but just go with it. I know Dylan met Brandon at school but this story is gonna be different in how people met each other etc. This chapter takes place a day after the Walsh twins move to Beverly Hills.


The day Dylan met Brandon.

There are only three things in life that truly matter to me: family, trust and connection. Jack has lost all these things with me, where is he right now? Out at a bar with some "co-workers". He's not family, I definitely don't trust him, and our connection has been gone since I turned 13. When I truly felt alone, I started to see a change in how my 'father' acted with me. He became more angry and drunk. He didn't spend much time with me anymore didn't really care about my whereabouts. He left me alone in this damn hotel suite to fend for myself, would occasionally check in from time to time because I was only 13. The hotel employees cared for me more than he did, made sure I was fed and kept me company at times. That should have been him.

By 15 I was a loner, I learned how to do everything on my own. I wouldn't depend on nobody, they'd only let me down later in life. Don't need to go through that pain again. My mother left when I was 10 so I don't know much about her life except she didn't want to be a mother anymore.

I'm 16 now and not much has changed except I got a new habit. It's called liquor.

Another night, another bottle. More like 3 bottles, about to drink my 4th one. Need to get to that numb feeling so I can stop thinking about stuff that doesn't matter anymore.

A knock on my door fills my ears.

"Dylan let me in," It's Jack.

"Go away!" I yell from the couch, not bothering to get up.

"I left my cardkey at the bar."

"So go get a new one."

"Just open the fucking door now!" This time he banged louder on the door, seemingly it doesn't intimidate me.

I took another swig of my bottle unfazed. He can't get in without a cardkey so he can't do anything to me. Silence soon filled the room, he's gone. Good.

I walked out of my suite, with cardkey in my pocket. Drunk or not I won't be losing this.

Wanting some fresh air I take the elevator to the lobby and head for the entrance.

"Dylan your dad was just here." Graham, the front desk guy says as I walk to the doors.

"Yeah I know." I say without looking at him.

Most unimportant things don't even get me to look them in the face.

I pull out my flask, that was half empty now, since the last time I've used it. Carry this baby with me practically everyday now, the world just keeps getting grayer. Except the ocean, the ocean always stays in some form of blue. That's where I'm happiest, riding the waves.

I thought of the waves as I walked down the street, it was close to midnight already but there was still population out on the streets.

With no destination in mind I just kept walking, and drinking.

The numb feeling was coming and I nourished in it. Let it consume me whole. I began to stumble a little, but I still kept walking.

After finishing my flask I feel dizzy. I know I'm moments from falling flat on my face, why did I become like my father. I don't want to be an alcoholic but it eases my pain from the abandonment I suffered that I shouldn't have.

Before my face collides with the concrete beneath me I feel someone help me to my feet. It's definitely a man, seems about the same build as me. I tried to get a look at who helped my face not get smashed, but my vision is blurred.

"Woah, you shouldn't be out at night like this." I hear him say.

"Thanks man," I manage to say.

"No problem, my name is Brandon Walsh. Want me to help you get home?" He asks, and I can only nod. Luckily I didn't get too far from the hotel.

"Tell me where to go."

"Bel Age," I sputter.

He helps me walk until we get back to the hotel, he doesn't say much. Probably because he knows I wont remember a word he says.

"Here we are."

Were in the lobby and I think I can make it to the room, I'm regaining my vision mostly.

"Thanks man, nice to meet you my name is Dylan." He listens intently, my voice coming out in pauses.

"Take it easy, you can make it to your room?" Brandon asks me.

I nod in response and half smile taking a better look at him in the light. He seemed about my age with blonde hair and blue eyes.

I turn to go to the elevator once I make it inside I lean against the wall, I have to stop drinking.

I press the button to my floor and wait for the nauseating feeling my stomach always gets in these damn things. Once it starts, I feel it and I know I'm gonna hurl.

I grab my cardkey out of my pocket and once the doors to the elevator open to my floor I rush to my room push the cardkey in and hurry inside straight for the bathroom. After letting all my insides flush down the toilet I walk out of the bathroom.

The next thing I see is my father wearing an angry expression then I blackout.

Present Day

The classroom was empty I just needed to get away from her, I wouldn't listen to the bullshit that came out of her mouth. I'm sorry, yeah sure if you were sorry you wouldn't have said that in the first place. The bell sounded and I knew people were soon to come, so I walked out of the classroom glad to not catch sight of her anymore in the hallway and headed for the exit.

That's enough for today, I needed a drink.

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