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i waited in the car for a good twenty minutes, straight up ranting to ji hae about how upset it was. she wasn't listening, but it made me feel at least a little better.

"i'm ranting to a three year old," i said after i was done ranting.

i sighed and leaned back in my seat.

"when are we leaving?" ji hae asked.

i didn't know how to reply to ji hae. the more i thought, the more i realized i shouldn't have ranted to a three year old and i should've gone into the gas station to help.

i scrambled out of the car and lifted ji hae out as well. i walked as fast as i could, and when i walked i didn't see minhyuk. i looked around the gas station and didn't see them anywhere, so i checked the bathrooms. as i expected, i saw minhyuk sitting there, beat up and bloodied. i looked to the gas stations clerk, and they weren't paying any attention.

"minhyuk," i said, bending down to shake his shoulders. he didn't wake up.

"shit," i said and sat ji hae down. i hated for her to see this, she didn't say a word.

i grunted and lifted minhyuk so one of his arms were on my shoulders. i've done it once, i can do it again.

"c'mon ji hae, we have to go back home."

she grabbed my hand, and we walked out of the bathroom. as we walked, i made eye contact with the person working there.

"thanks for your help," i said sarcastically and lifted minhyuk up more. i somehow pushed open the door, made my way to the car, putting minhyuk in the passenger and ji hae in the back.

i backed out of the gas station, making my way back home so we could go to the hospital.


ji hae said nothing the whole way. the only sound was the staticky music on the radio.

i decided to call hyungwon. he had to help whether he liked it or not.

"haewon? where the hell are you?" he shouted through the phone.

"don't worry about it. listen, i know you hate minhyuk but i don't care. he's hurt, even worse than what you did to him. we have to go to the hospital. please, help me just this once. you are my brother, after all. can i meet you at the house, then i can explain everything at the hospital? please, hyungwon," i begged. he was silent on the other end for a while, you would've thought he'd hung up.

"okay. i'll help," he said.

"thank you so much. see you then," i said and hung up.


i tapped my fingers on the steering wheel, feeling anxious. i didn't know how hyungwon was going to react.

when we walked out, i put my head against the seat. who knew someone could be this afraid of their brother.

he got in the backseat, staring at ji hae, who stared back. then he looked at minhyuk with a shocked face.

"i- um-" he began.

"no, don't say anything," i replied and drove to the hospital. the silence was awkward, but i focused on driving.

"hyungwon, you carry minhyuk and i'll get ji hae. don't question anything, i'll explain, i promise," i said when we arrived.

i parked and quickly got out of the car to get ji hae. hyungwon got minhyuk, and we went into the hospital.

"how can we help you?" the lady at the desk asked.

i only pointed at minhyuk.

"we'll take him, go sit. we'll call you in when everything's done."

i nodded and walked with ji hae to some seats. i stared down at the floor, my leg bouncing in nervousness.

i felt hyungwon sit beside me. "care to explain?"

i wiped the tears coming down my face, and told hyungwon everything.

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