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i woke up to ji hae leaping on top of me, shouting for me to wake up.

"okay, okay, i'm up!" i sat ji hae beside me and sat up, rubbing my eyes.

"breakfast is ready, ji! come eat!" i heard minhyuk shout from the kitchen. ji hae grabbed my hand and slid off the couch, wanting me to go to the kitchen with her. i stood and followed her, seeing minhyuk preparing ji hae juice.

"haewon, have a seat anywhere. i'll get you and ji hae's food, what would you like?" he asked. he gave ji hae a sippy cup filled with juice and went back to cooking.

"minhyuk, do you need any help?" i noticed his stress to get everything good enough for ji hae's liking, and also for mine. i wanted to help him with anything and everything, he had enough on his shoulders, with school, his job, and ji hae.

he sighed. "if you don't mind, i could use some help."

"of course, i'll cook. anything i need to do to suffice ji hae?" i asked.

"she likes muffins. if you could put them in the oven that'd be great. just keep an eye on them so they don't over cook, and make sure they're not too hot when you give them to her. my mom's at the grocery, i'm gonna clean ji hae's room up a bit."

i nodded and grabbed the pan that the muffin mix was in, placing them in the oven.

"more juice!" i heard ji hae shout. i grabbed her cup and poured more apple juice in it, handing it back.

"do you wanna watch tv while your muffins cook?" i asked her.

"yes!" she went to the living room and plopped down on the couch, sipping her apple juice. i turned on the cartoon she was watching last night and sat down beside her. i went to check the muffins just in case, but i heard my phone ding. as i expected, it was hyungwon attacking me.

why aren't u home yet rat

sorry be there soon

can't wait to expose u

u can't expose me if u don't know the true facts


hyungwon stopped typing, obviously unable to think of a comeback. i put my phone down and checked ji hae's muffins, they weren't done.

i went down the hallway to find minhyuk, when i did i saw him frantically putting toys away.

"minhyuk?" i asked.

he dropped a toy and looked at me. "is something wrong?"

"no, ji hae's in the living room watching tv and her muffins are cooking. i was just going to tell you that i have to go home, hyungwon's gonna kill me. if you need more help, i'll stay."

"no, it's okay. thank you for wanting to help, though. i can give you a ride if you want."

"it's fine, i think i know my way home from here. if you need anything, text me."

"will do. see ya, haewon."

i smiled. "thanks for yesterday. bye, minhyuk."

i walked out of the room, waved goodbye to ji hae, and walked out the door.

hyungwon awaits.

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