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haewon's pov;

i sighed when hyungwon left. i carried ji hae back to bed and went to take care of minhyuk.

"i'm so sorry, minhyuk. i really am," i told him before running to go get him tissues. i pulled him up from the floor and helped him to the couch. i bent down a little to clean up the blood coming from his nose, even though it probably wouldn't stop. i told him to shove the tissues up his nose while i got him more, when i returned the previous tissues were covered in blood.

"this isn't your fault," he told me. he said it wasn't, but i knew it was. i was the one who lied to hyungwon, i should've expected something from him.

i ignored what he said. "do you need an ice pack?"

he nodded, so i got him an ice pack and pressed it against his nose, then lifted his hand up and put it against the ice pack. i let go to check on ji hae, who was sound asleep.

"i know it's only nine or so, but you should sleep," i told minhyuk and grabbed his tissues to put in his bedroom.

"where will you sleep?" he asked.

"on the couch."

"are you sure?"

"yes i'm sure. get some sleep."

minhyuk left the living room to his and ji hae's bedroom. i heard the door quietly shut. as i sat down and got comfortable enough, my phone vibrated a few times in my pocket. i unlocked my phone to see texts from hyungwon.

living with minhyuk now i assume?
might wanna come home and pack your stuff then, at least say goodbye to your own brother if you won't be living with him anymore

i didn't know what was up with hyungwon, but he was acting psycho for the absolute dumbest reason. plus he's acting like we're never gonna see each other again when we go to the same school.

i ignored his text and set my alarm for six in morning. hopefully, hyungwon wouldn't be at school.

chemistry ≫ l.mhTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang