His long ass arms were thin, but held muscles. His long body sporting his joggers and WRLD INVSN shirt , he brought from New Orleans to support the kids who owned the brand. It showed me he really cared for his city, and the fact he does says so much about his character. His mindset was beyond that of a boy who called himself a man, he actually prioritize his actual priorities. One of them, he called being me.

August just was somebody I vibe so well with. And I want this to always be like this, us. An us that'll soon be a family. Marriage? I wasn't ready for , but kids? I just was smiling like a maniac at the thought carrying his kids. August and I's lollipop headed children.

I laughed out loud at the thought, "What's so funny?"

My eyes almost bulged out my head ," Huh?"

"Girl if you can huh you can hear." There he go with those old folk sayings.

I laughed, " Yo ass been around old folk too long now," He shook his head with a smile, but kept his eyes on me, "Yes August Anthony Alsina?"

Now his eyes bulged ," Girl you crazy?" He ran towards the door peeking his head out then over to the windows scanning the area.

Meanwhile I'm ducking wondering what the hell we was looking around for. He eventually came back sighing, making me come up from under the desk. "What the hell August?"

He shook his head, " Girl you know the people out thea' lookin' fa me! Can't be saying my name like that." I smacked my teeth gaining fits of laughter from him.

"Fucking agg," I folded my arms turning my back to him, making him smack his teeth.

"Zay Dae, do ya luv me? Are ya ridin'? " He sung making his way in front me dancing.

I smirked, " You know you resembled them floaty things at the car dealer ships?"

He straight faced the fuck out me.

"Aw babe, I'm sorry!" I said through laughs.

"Nah g, Ya disrespectful. You don't hea' me goin' 'roun tellin' ya, ya look like penny proud but, " He flipped me off exiting the room.

I held my jaw open, calling his phone. After the 2nd ring, he answered," Yes Zay?"

" Do I really look like Penny proud?" I twiddled with my fingers.


I sighed as I sat in my car for the past 30 minutes. I was having a internal battle of whether I wanted to go inside or not. Something telling me not to, but sleep was evident in my body. Besides I still had bags of groceries in my car.

Finally giving up on this battle, and giving in to sleep I stepped out my car. I shut my door going to my backseat to grab like as many bags I could. Feeling the weight on my arms weigh me down a bit, I groaned in attempt to shut my door and locking it. I stared up the 13 steps I'll have to take to reach my apartment.

"Shit I need to move," I groaned as I took these forced wobbled steps to the metal staircase.

First thing I thought of, was me falling and cracking my head open. I shook away the thought and attempted to going up another two steps, before feeling someone's presence. I shook it off and continued my journey.

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