c h a n g e

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she was confused.
just an hour ago, the giant wheel appeared in the sky. just an hour ago, ned had screamed, "we're all gonna die!" just an hour ago, new york was thrown into chaos.

it's crazy to think, really, how the world could end in just an hour.
michelle woke up.

if you could even call it waking up. it didn't feel like it, but she didn't dwell on that fact. she had woken up on the bridge. she had immediately reached for her phone, but it wasn't there. she looked around only to see many confused people. she didn't know what to do so she ran. she ran off the bridge and towards her home. she didn't have much energy, but she needed answers.

soon enough she made it to her family's townhouse. she opened the door and called out, "mom?! dad?! michael? mom!"

she was cut off by a soft voice, "michelle?"
she turned around to see a familiar looking boy. he certainly did not look the same as he did when  she last saw him, but she would recognize him anywhere.

"michael?" he ran to her and although he was much older than the brother she knew, she was still taller than him. "michael, what happened?"

he didn't answer her at first, but when he did, mj's world was turned upside down.
she had been gone for five years.

she had disappeared, just like that, in an instant. she should be in college. she should have a job. she should be an adult.

but, no.

she is still in high school, if that's still a thing. she was still a teenage girl. and she was most definitely no adult.
it's been a week.
she had spent the entirety of her time with her family. they seemed happy, but, she didn't know what to do with herself.

she needed to talk to someone, anyone. but, she couldn't. not now.

even though the avengers brought everyone back, it would never be the same. how could it be? half of the entire universe died. dusted. "blipped".
what ever you want to call it.

half the universe disappeared.

and the other half didn't.

how is humanity supposed to come back from that? how is the world supposed to recover?

michelle didn't know the answers to her questions. but she had an idea of someone who might.
he tried.

he tried to save the world, but didnt succeed, "dying" in the process. he tried to help the team in the fight against thanos' army, but could barely hold his own.

peter parker tried and failed.

now, he doesn't know what to do with himself. he wanted to talk to someone. anyone. but he couldn't. he had no one. not anymore.

of course, there was may and ned, but they didn't want to talk. they were just happy to be back. barely thinking of any change at all really.

well, there was- no. he couldn't bother her anymore than he already had. she was catching up with her family. he couldn't. he just couldn't.
as he was laying down to go to sleep, he received a call. "hello?" he spoke into the phone.

"we need to talk, peter." michelle's voice was heard from the speaker.

for the first time since he came back, he was truly happy. to hear her voice meant everything to him.
michelle has been waiting in the park for a half hour. it's not that he was late, she was just early. as always.

she was very excited to see peter again. to her, it had only been a week since they last saw each other. but that week had felt like an eternity.

from the moment she woke up she had wanted to talk to peter. but once she had heard the news, knowing what she knew, she didn't want to bother him. but after the week, she knew they needed to talk. 


just the sound of his voice unclenched the knot in her stomach. she turned around to see him standing there.

he looked the same, as if nothing had happened. a wave of familiarity washed over her and she softly smiled as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"peter," was all she needed to say.

she moved toward him, taking big strides until she felt his arms around her waist. as she wrapped her own arms around his neck, she knew.

it didn't matter how many questions raced through her head, this embrace was enough.

it didn't matter what happened, he was enough

it didn't matter any kind of change, he was constant.

it took me a while to write this one, hope you enjoy it.

vote, if you like it!

769 words

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