h o n e y

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michelle jones loves honey.
maybe it's because both of her parents are from kentucky and if you didn't have honey in your pantry there, you might as well move. although, they did, to queens when michelle was eight, they kept up those habits. every morning, before school, she had honey on her biscuits. before bed every night, while she reads, she has honey in her tea.
to her, there is something familiar about honey.
it tastes like home.
michelle is considered invisible at school. she doesn't have any friends, but she doesn't mind. society has conditioned everyone to believe popularity is everything. but she knows the truth: she doesn't need friends. she doesn't need a boyfriend. she has everything she needs at home. her mom. her dad. her brother. her books. her bed. her tea and honey.
everything she needs.

although, she knows she doesn't need friends or a boyfriend, she is a teenage girl. she's gonna have a crush. no matter how much she might deny it, she does appreciate looking at peter parker.

peter parker. that's it. that's all she needs to say. peter parker is the only person she could ever even think she could possibly have a relationship with. but, of course, that is never going to happen. peter parker is too perfect. she is surprised not every girl is after him.

that doesn't matter though. she doesn't need a boyfriend.
it was a normal tuesday night. she had tucked her brother in his bed with his favorite plush spiderman. she was now in her bed, third cup of tea with honey in hand, reading the fifth wave. before she knew it, it was 2 am. she was about to set her book down to go to sleep when she heard a tap on her window. she looked up, surprised to hear anything this time of night. she heard the tap again.

cautiously, she got out of bed and tip-toed over to the window. she didn't know who she was expecting, but it was most definitely not peter parker. well, spiderman, but she wasn't very surprised. clearly not as surprised as he thought.

"well, that's a new response," peter said, shrugging as he hopped into her bedroom "hi. sorry for coming by so late, or coming at all, but, i just needed to see someone."

"someone?" she asked, sitting down on her bed, motioning for peter to sit beside her. she was surprisingly comfortable with having a boy in her bedroom at 2 am. but it was peter parker. hell, it was spiderman.

"someone," he started, sitting right next to her. "someone, who could restore my faith in
humanity." he laughed.

"why do you think i could do that?" she asked, turning to face, fully toward him. "you barely know me."

"i know you enough, michelle. i've seen you with your brother, when he and your mom come to pick you up from school. your love for him is apparent."

"you watch me?"

"of course i do..." he realized what he was saying and blushed a deep crimson.

she laughed, "thanks peter, i appreciate it."

he smiled at her, "i like you"

"what?" michelle said, leaning back a little.

"i really like you, michelle." he said, straight up.

"well, peter, i really like you, too." she said, leaning back in. he leaned in as well, locking their lips.

michelle could never have imagined it working out like this. she could never imagine kissing peter parker, her long time crush, at 2 am, in her bedroom, while he was wearing a spandex suit.

and most of all, she did not expect him to taste like honey.


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