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"What is it now Kassim?" Babkak asked rubbing his temples.

"Sadah got asked to the palace. To live there."

"Told you Aladdin would try to fix it." Babkak had stopped rubbing his temples and took a small piece of fruit from one of the carts along the market and started eating it. Omar hit him in the shoulder, "What? You expected him to do anything different? I said that he would try to fix it, and he's going to try to fix it."

Omar cut him off before he could say anything else. "Yes well she's still with us right? She's terrified of being in the palace, it's as clear as day. Anyway, how do you even know this Kassim? We were all keeping an eye on her today, and none of us heard it besides you."

"It was at her little place up in the crevice of the old tower. I just wanted to make sure neither of them tried something stupid." Kassim explained, "I made her go to bed and told her that I over heard them. She didn't want you both to know." The man took Babkak's fruit and took a bite out of it before giving it back. "She said she wouldn't go unless we could. I think she's insane."

Omar was stunned, "She said no?!"

"Yeah dummy, she trusts us like we're her family. We pretty much are." Kassim retorted at his friend.

Babkak interrupted their little argument, "Both of you enough. If she wants to go, then let her go. If she wants us with her, then we will go with her. She isn't just a little thief, she's like our little sister. I get why she said no, and I get why she told Aladdin that. Anyways, it's getting late." He quickly changed the subject. "We should be getting some rest soon as well. Sadah isn't the only tired one in our little group." He said walking off. The other two men shut up and followed Babkak to their little abode. There were three hammocks in there, two were up and one was on the ground, making it look more like a small rug than a hammock. Babkak and Kassim each took one of the hanging hammocks and left Omar to the floor, which he said he liked better because it's colder. After the two men were asleep, which took over an hour, Babkak muttered under his breath a small prayer and looked out, his eyes slowly starting to close.

In the morning time, Sadah woke them up after running over to their place. She was always the first one up except for today. Babkak was already out of bed when she came. He was sitting with his back to the wall. "What are you doing up?" The little girl sat next to him before waking the other two men.

"Just worried is all." He gave a comforting smile. "Go wake them up."

She crossed her arms. "Nope. You tell me what's wrong first." Sadah was stubborn as any little girl could be, plus some. If she didn't get the answer she wanted, she would make them say it.

"Sadah, it's just regular worrying, go wake them up."

"No it isn't. And I won't until you tell me what's actually going on!" She persisted and huffed.

Babkak finally gave in after seeing her riled up, "Just about what happened yesterday. Don't you worry your little head about it." Sadah still wasn't happy with his answer but woke the two sleeping men anyways, by lifting Kassim's hammock to where he would fall on top of Omar.

"WAKE UP!" She yelled before sitting back with Babkak.

"This is why I prefer when Babkak doesn't make you angry in the morning..." Omar said with Kassim still on top of him. "Now get off of me you oaf!" He shoved Kassim off of him and the man groaned before getting up and sitting with them. "What's got you so upset?"

"He won't tell me things I want to know." The little girl responded. "And it's stupid."

"He must have a good reason for it though if he were to not tell you anything."

"Stop calling me 'he'," Babkak interrupted. "It's really weird."

Kassim rolled his eyes, "You are a he Babkak. Next time Sadah, don't flip me over." He rubbed his face as he sat up. "How about you show these two what you got yesterday?" He asked.

"Not until Babkak tells me what he's worried about." She huffed.

"Fine," he sighed, "I'm worried about some guards kiddo, now show." Sadah took out the pendant, which Babkak snatched to take a look at. "That's interesting. It's a symbol of the guards. You took something from a guard without getting caught." He said surprised and pat Sadah's shoulder. "Good job kiddo." Sadah smiled proudly as Babkak gave her back her pendant.

"Thanks Babkak. You don't think I'm going to get put in a dark room again do you?" She asked. Omar picked her up and put her on Kassim's hammock.

"Doubtful, but I also doubt that Aladdin will be giving up on his little cause." Omar told his little friend.

"What cause?" Sadah asked looking at the three men.

"Kid, you still have a bit to learn. Come on, let's get something to eat." Kassim said taking Sadah with him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2020 ⏰

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