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"I'm not sure Omar. He is rather observant so he probably figured it out. I just don't get why he would come down from on high to talk to a little girl." Kassim answered his friend's question.

Babkak rolled his eyes, "Because she's a thief, he doesn't want a child to be a thief, so he's going to try and fix it. By Allah Kassim, it's not that hard to figure out." Kassim huffed at the comment which made Sadah smile a little, she always found it funny when the men fought over something stupid. "Hey Sadah, if Aladdin goes walking around with you, keep the stealing at a low, only pick a couple people at most. Am I understood?" She nodded. "Will you talk to us at least?"

"Yeah come on kiddo, you know you can talk to us."

"I know.." she said quietly, still leaning on Babkak. "Why can't I do more than pick with him? I thought he was a thief too." She asked at a level where the men could hear her, but the guards couldn't.

"Sadah, let me be clear," Omar started. "He is going to have guards at his back, if you do anything but discretely pick a few people, you will be put in a dark, closed room. We won't be there with you, but if we get let out, we will keep an eye on you. So don't you dare disobey, we don't want you to be trapped here. It was very hard for us to get in here the first time to rescue someone." He said sternly.

She nodded with a slight shiver down her back at the thought of coming back where she was, "Y-yes sir Omar." Babkak ran his hand up and down his back to keep her calm. Kassim had the idea to tell her a story about the first time that they tried to rescue someone. It lasted for almost the amount of time that Aladdin was gone. Anytime that Sadah got scared by the story, Omar elbowed him in the side to make him either shut up, or re-word. At the time that he had finished, Aladdin had come into where they were being held, and heard the last part. Sadah had a large smile on her face at the end, loving any story that Kassim told her. The prince walked over to the men and child, when he did, the little girl's smile faded in an instant.

"What took you so long?" Babkak asked, waiting for him to open the door, which he only did to step in.

"I have a stubborn wife." He smiled. "She said no, but I said yes so I'm doing it either way." Aladdin said crossing his arms and leaning on the bars. He didn't look like a prince at the moment, in fact he looked just like the other men.

"That's our boy." Kassim and Omar said simultaneously.

"The only thing is, Sadah is going to need someone to watch over her while we're walking around, which I know you three are going to do. Just make sure you three don't get into too much trouble."

"Oh don't worry about us Al. We won't get into too much trouble, only the right amount." Babkak said, saying the last part at almost a whisper which made Sadah giggle a little.

"Okay then." The prince said before walking out of the little barred room and keeping the door open so they could all get out. Sadah grabbed Omar's hand as they walked out, which she held tightly. He lead them out of the palace and into the market place. "Do you mind walking with me little one?" He said crouching down to her level. She shook her head, meaning that she didn't mind. He held his hand out, which she took kind of shakily. The other men left the two alone to walk around. He asked her some questions, which she only answered about a quarter of them, and her answers were about three words at maximum. Sadah eventually found something that she I thought was something small enough for her to pick off of a man, a small bronze chain with no pendant. She did discretely however Aladdin noticed, as she put it in her hand and then into a torn piece of her dress, which acted as a pocket. "You know that what you're doing isn't right, right Sadah?" He asked.

"You've done it before..." she responded to him. Her stomach started to grumble a little bit, but it really didn't bug her.

Aladdin walked the next few minutes in silence with the little girl before asking her, "Where do you live little one?" She didn't answer him, not wanting to say it in case someone overheard her and went there later. "Will you show me if you won't tell me?" This time she nodded and lead the man up to the top of a building and grabbed the pole to hop over to the next one. The prince knew where they were going as soon as they were at the building top and found another pole to grab and hopped over to the building where Sadah went onto. She took him up to the place where the man used to live. "Why here of all places?" He asked her before opening a sheet over the big hole in the wall to reveal the amazing view of Agrabah.

"It was the first place I found. And I love looking out and seeing the beauty of Agrabah from above, because there isn't any below." Sadah said, that being her longest answer yet.

"I forgot how beautiful it was from here." He said, "This was my home before it was yours Sadah, I was just like you. I stole what I needed, some treasures of others, and I helped people. I want to help you."

"I don't need help though. I have-"

"You have those three watching out for you. They're teaching you how to be self reliant, while still wanting for you to ask for help from them. I can give you a new life Sadah, a life where you don't have to steal to get by. You can get as much as you want to eat, new clothes, and no one telling you what to do every minute of the day."

"I could eat as much as I want?!" Her eyes lit up.

The prince nodded and chuckled. "Yes, you can have as much as you want."

"Could Babkak, Omar and Kassim come with me? They're my family." She asked him with a smile on her face.

"I'm not sure. I would have to ask."

Her smile faded, "If they can't go then I don't want to go." She said. Inside, she knew she wanted to have the life hat Aladdin was talking about, but she felt like her 'family' would want to join her. She didn't want to leave them after she had known them for so long. Sadah went to the window and sat looking out.

"I'll see what I can do okay?" He said, "Do you want for me to leave?" Sadah nodded, not wanting to look at him at the moment since she  was looking out. Aladdin started to walk out, but not even a minute after she had nodded, Sadah ran and hugged him before she let go and let him leave.

To be continued...

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