"Just because I'm calling you doesn't mean something is wrong, " George spoke. 

"You're right, sorry," I spoke sheepishly, "You've just been the bearer of bad news lately,"

"I know, I'm sorry, you should be enjoying yourself without worrying about us lot," George spoke.

"See... that's the thing, I can't enjoy myself unless I know you are all okay," I assured him. 

"Then maybe it's a good thing I called," George mumbled. 

"What does that mean?" I asked. 

"Matty's birthday is in 2 weeks, and I think the only thing he would want is for you to be there," George spoke.

"G, you know I-" I protested.

"I know, I know," he cut me off, "but do you think you could leave just for a couple of days? We'll cover the airfare and everything, and I promise you'll be back in no time. Just fly out for a few nights to surprise him."

"I want to, I really do. But I just don't know if-"

"Just try, kid," George sighed. 

"I'll ask my professor in the morning," I promised. 

"Thank you, we really need you out here kid, just for a little while," he spoke.


I could feel my stomach begin to twist into knots as the cab neared their flat. We hadn't seen each other in weeks and our calls were hardly conversation if they even happened at all. Everyone knew I was coming into town except for Matty. It was supposed to be a surprise, however, the idea was now more unsettling than exciting. What if he didn't want to see me? What if he didn't love me anymore? What if I was only ruining his birthday? George assured me all the tensions between Matty and I would subside once we were reunited, but the uneasy feeling showed no signs of subsiding. As much as I wanted to trust George's judgments and Matty's choices, jealousy and fear always seem to find a way to unearth themselves as the most unpleasant of times. 

The driver aided me with my suitcase before leaving me standing alone outside their complex, carefully processing my next actions. I decided to quiet the thoughts in my head, watching my body like a bystander as my feet led me into the building I wanted to run from. I didn't stop until I was outside of their door, softly reassuring myself. I loved Matty, immensely. I truly missed him and desired to see him. I also missed the band and Ky more than I could have expected. They were all my best friends, and life without them was only livable thanks to Elias's company with me in Paris. 

I knocked twice before being let in by a familiar-looking member of their management team. The flat was mainly empty of people, most everyone out enjoying their day before Matty's party tonight. I didn't know whether I should feel gracious for having the extra time to collect myself, or disappointed that nobody was there to greet me. 

I slowly began making my way to the kitchen, only making it halfway there before feeling a pair of large arms wrapping around me tightly, eliciting a shriek to escape from my lips. My screams quickly turned into giggles, however, as I immediately recognized the brotherly bear hug I was being swaddled into. 

"George!" I squealed, turning around to hug him properly.

"I missed you, kid" he spoke into my hair.

"You're finally here!" Kai's voice screamed from across the room. I let go of George to go run to her, stopping quickly in my tracks as I caught sight of her appearance. 

"You're blonde?" I questioned, taking in her new hair. 

"Yeah, we're in America so I decided to splurge and change things up a bit," Kai cheered.

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