the eighteenth

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A/N: Sorry this chapter is long overdue but holy shit thanks for almost 1K reads I'm sobbing. Now, on with the drama you have been waiting for.


"You're mad thinking you could ever change me, not looking like that"

I knew he wrote A Change of Heart before we met, but right now I'm sure it was about me.

I felt like an idiot. 

I was so naive to think he was actually getting better because of me. I was just a temporary indulgement, something to distract him for a bit until the inevitable day I wasn't around. It had only been two weeks apart and he was already so far gone. He couldn't hold out, not even for me. Like I had always feared, I was slowly feeling like I had always been just another girl. Just something to keep him busy, nothing more. To think I thought he loved me. He just loved the distraction. 

"Jess, you need to turn that song off, you'll never get over yourself," Elias called from the other room. 

"I'm such an idiot," I mumbled. 

"You're not an idiot, you fell in love. It's hard to keep your head straight when it's in the clouds," he said as he stood in the doorway. 

"Do you think he was lying to me?" I breathed, "Lying about... loving me?" the words felt like vinegar coming out of my mouth. 

"Matty has always been one to tell the truth, sometimes too bluntly,  unless he's hiding something. But I really can't say, Jess. I warned you about him," Elias spoke. 

"I should have listened," I cursed.

"Well, you didn't. You fought for him, and you better not give up now. If he really loves you, he needs you right now," Elias spoke as he rubbed my back comfortingly. It wasn't like Matty though. I wished it were Matty. Oh, how I missed his touch. 

"Wait, you're actually in support of me continuing to pursue him?" I asked, quirking my eyebrow. 

"It's obvious how much you love him and just how much you glow when he holds you. I've seen you confess your love to a handful of men, but when you're with Matty, the way you look at him, it's as though all of your past "I love you's" were just surface level.I've never seen you so giddy in the lifetime I've known you, and all I want is for you to be happy. If you think it's a love worth fighting for, then fight for it," he spoke, embracing me warmly. 

"Thank you for everything, Elias," I spoke into the hug. 

"Matty made a promise to me before he took you to Japan," Elias began, "he promised he would take care of you and swore he would never hurt you. If he breaks his promise, if he makes you cry, I'm gonna kill him," 

"You're my savior," I teased, chuckling at Elias's seriousness. 

"Anyways, once you're done moping about listening to his songs, why don't we go grab a bite to eat and take a walk through the city. We won't be in Paris forever, you know," he spoke. 


The bright moonlight spilled through the window and onto my canvas as I painted, the city twinkling in the distance. Elias slept softly on the couch as my brush strokes worked in quick, elegant harmony, in time with his gentle breathing. 

However, my peace was disrupted by the buzzing of my phone. It was nearly 2 am, so it certainly wasn't my professor calling me.  

It was George.

"Hey kid" he spoke as I answered, slipping into the next room to avoid waking Elias.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked.

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