the thirteenth

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A/N: Guys I am so sorry, I've been traveling and out of wifi for a week and haven't been able to update. Here is a long, smutty chapter to make up for it. Prepare yourselves, girls and gays, it's gonna get real. Also wtf I left for 5 days and we were at 300 reads and now we're almost at 500 thanks yall. 


Just as expected, I had fallen in love.

With Japan, of course.

Kai and I had spent most of our time together, checking off all of the items in my Japan bucket list while the boys were away at interviews. Sometimes, however, the band was able to join us on our expeditions while Matty was doing his solo press. And just as expected, besides him not being around, Tokyo was dreamlike.

"I don't wanna leave yet," I mumbled as George and I wandered past shops.

"Don't worry, kid. We've still got 4 days in Osaka ahead of us," he spoke reassuringly. Like Kai, George and I had also gotten very close. He was like the older brother I never had. It was nice to have someone around to protect me. He was trust, comfort, and friendship.

"Do you ever get tired of all of the travel?" I asked him curiously.

"Nah," George shrugged, "I've got no bird waiting for me back at home, and all of my best mates are right here on the road with me. As long as we're not on the bus, I don't mind."

"What's wrong with the tour buses?" I asked.

"I'm too bloody big!" he exclaimed, both of us erupting in laughter.

"Fair point," I chuckled.

"Plus, who could complain about travel when you're here now too. The guys all love ya, and Kai finally has a good girl in her life to give her a break from us lot." George smirked at me, ruffling his fingers through my hair messily.

"That's sweet," I responded softly.

"Plus, Matty has been clean since you came back," George added. "I know it has only been a short while, but that's a long time on Matty's terms. If he keeps up like this, he'll beat the worst of his cravings quite swimmingly,"

I remembered what he told me that night as we sat under the stars, overlooking Southampton.

"When I am with you, I don't need the escape anymore. As long as I have you around, I can fight the cravings. I don't need Elias anymore because you, Jess, are my medicine."

"Well, I'm happy to be here," I beamed, "sincerely, George, I'm the happiest I've ever been,"

"Good, I'm glad you're our glorified groupie," he teased.

"G!" I scoffed, smacking his arm playfully. He pulled me into a side hug, messing up my hair even more.

"Kidding, Jess. You're apart of our pack now, and we wouldn't have it any other way."

Neither would I. I just wished Elias was still in the "pack", being that he is the only reason I am here right now. Without him, I would have never met Kai, George, Adam or Ross. Matty would still be off shagging a new leggy girl every night, and I'd be longing to get out of my flat in Manchester.

I didn't have much time to worry about Elias as we stumbled our way into a small tea house where everyone had agreed on meeting before the gig.

Kai was already there with some of the other girls from the management team, along with Ross and Adam.

I made my way to the toilets in hopes of finding a mirror to fix my hair that George had properly messed up.

By the time I came out, some fans had already swarmed the boys. I decided to stay back, not wanting to throw myself into that mess of people. However, Adam, not sensing my discomfort, motioned for me to come over. I found my shelter in Kai, being that she was one of the few not being suffocated. Though my attempt to escape the crowd was short lived. 

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