Cake Smut-5sos

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-Calums's P.O.V-

Finally the tour is over! Don't get me wrong, I love performing and stuff, but this tour went for like 6 months, I'm just glad to be home. Luke and i are living together for about 6 months are so are Ash and Mikey. We've settled down for a while in Australia but In Queensland not Sydney, I don't even know why. We have a few shows around Australia but not for a few months. The problem with these house arrangements are; Luke Hemmings, Luke Hemmings and Luke Hemmings. He is so fucking hot it takes all my will power not to pounce on his and make out with his face. Okay, I sound like a 12 year old girl but it's true, I am gay for the one and only, Lucas Robert Hemmings. 

-Luke's P.O.V-

Calum Thomas Hood. My love. He's so cute I just want to cuddle him forever. One problem, he's into girls. Damn, too bad I was born with dick. At least I get to live with him alone.

-Calum's P.O.V-

"LUKE!" I called out. No answer. "LUKE!" I call again, no answer again. "LUKE WHERE ARE YOU!" Yeah, I'm too lazy to get off the couch. 

"What!" I hear Luke call back.

"Come here I wanna watch a movieeeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

"Fine I'm coming!" Literally 5 seconds later, Luke walks into the living room. "What movie do you wanna watch?" He asks me.

"Ummm I don't know, you pick" I reply.

"Lets what the conjuring!" Luke starts getting pumped for the movie, but my insides are literally dying. I hate scary movies with a passion. We both jump onto the couch and luke wraps his arms around me and lays me down next to him. I gulp and swallow the feeling of nervousness.

'Luke's P.O.V-

I'm currently cuddling with the love of my life. If I were to say I hate this would probably being telling the biggest lie I've ever told. I'm the total oppisite of that, I love this. 

-1 hour later-

We're currently like... 1 hour into the film? I love this movie. I look down and Calum but I can't see his face so I'm guessing he's too into the movie. I'm rubbing one of my hands up and down his arm and the other is playing with part of his hair. 

-10 minutes later-

I hear sobbing and Calum's shaking. I look at his face and there's tears streaming down his cheeks and his eyes are closed tight. 

"Lukey please make it s-stop" he whispers, so quiet I could barely hear him, but I did. I grabbed the remote and switched the tv off, leaving us in the dark. I lean over to the lamp and switch it on and cradle poor little Cal in my arms, I've never felt so bad in my life, he's shaking for Christ's sake. 

"Callly I'm sorry I didn't know I'm so sorry" I stammer out.

"it's okay Lu-Lukey" he whispers. "I'm going to have a shower then I'm going to bed"

"oh okay"

I watch as Calum walks off into the shower. I quickly strip off my clothes and leave myself in my boxers. I lay on the couch for a little while longer on my phone. From the corner of my phone I see something moving. I peek out from behind my phone and I see it's just Calum in the shower, he forgot to shut the door.. Wait what!?!!? My eyes widen as I watch as he scrubs his body and he turns around to get hair shampoo and I check out his ass a little, not that I've seen it enough times. I quickly scurry off to my bed before I get a little 'problem'.

I hear footsteps on the hard floor outside my room before i hear my bedroom door open and a sleepy Calum walks over to my bed.

"Lukey can we cuddle" Cal mumbles. 

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