Always Have, Always Will. (Cake smut 5sos)

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-Luke's P.O.V-

"I got it!" Mikey yells after we hear a knock at the door. My parents have gone out for the weekend and they allowed me to have my best mates over- Cal,Mikey and Ashton. My parents completely trust me not to throw a party, because I'm just not that kind of guy. It's Friday afternoon and they're staying out until Monday, so they let the boys stay Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. Cool parent's, am I right? Michael come back with Ash and Calum behind him, with their bags and plenty of plastic bags full of food. We set up the living room with matresses, pillows and blankets and we're all set for the three nights.

"So, what should we do?" Ashton asks first. He's the oldest out of all of us- 17 and in his last year of high school. Cal and Mikey come next- they're in the year below, both 16. I'm in the same grade as them but unfortunetly I was born in the middle of the year, which makes me 15, the youngest. It kind of sucks that they treat me like I'm 5.

"I dunno it's Luke's house." Mikey mutters while he's tapping away on his phone. All 3 boys look at me waiting for me to suggest something.
" Uhh.. FIFA?" I suggest. All 3 of their faces light up while they set up my PS4, arguing over who gets to play first. Cal and I sit back on the couch while Ashton and Michael start to play. 
"So Luke.." Calum starts. I turn my head and look in his eyes so he knows he has my full attention. "I heard a rumour at school the other day. They said you were gay. Of course I went up to the guy and defended you because I know you would tell me if you were gay. That's what best friends are for right? And then the guy thought he could make up some shit about you saying that he saw you checking out my ass multiple times. I mean I know I have a great ass but come on that's just unbelieveable, he's so stupid to think that I would actually believe that. What I guess I'm trying to say here is that you know you can tell me anything right? I would always support you and no I'm not saying I think you're gay I'm just saying if you were I would 100% be okay with it."  

I was speechless. I didn't know what to say because everything he said was true. I was checking out his ass, that kid did catch me, he does have a great ass, I am gay. I would never admit it though, I mean, it's not everyday you tell you're bestfriend that you're gay. Especially if the only ready you found out was because of them. So of course, I denied it. I would always deny it. It would be better if no one knew, it's too risky otherwise.
"No." I stated. " I'm not gay." Calum's face seemed to drop but then he quickly smiled, covering it up.
"See that's what I thought. Of course you wouldn't be gay. Why would someone like you be gay anyway? You're amazing." He shakes his head, walking away while muttering to himself.

-Calum's P.O.V-

Of course Luke wouldn't be gay. Why would I even think there was a slight chance he was? He's beautiful. He could have any girl fall for him at the snap of his fingers. I guess he could have anyone fall for him, he got me. Yeah that's right. I fell in love with Luke Hemmings. I'm stupid, I know. I walk away from him and go to his bathroom. I know this place off by heart, I've been here that many times. This bathroom is where he first found out my parents disowned me. He never knew the reason of course, but it was because I was gay. Luke knew I didnt want to talk about why they left so he never pushed it, that was just the way he is, too polite to hurt anyones feelings. What he doesn't know though is that he hurts my feelings everyday, because he is straight. I shut the door and sit on the edge of his bathtub, with my head in my hands. I try to calm my self down and not to cry, but it's too late. Sobs escape my mouth and soon tears are falling down my cheeks like waterfalls. I hear a door creak open, and I look up to see no other than Luke Hemmings himself.
"Cal? What's wrong?" He whispers and comes over to me, wrapping his arms around my small body. I rest my head in his neck as I cry harder. No words come out while I sit there sobbing, him rubbing my back comfortly. After a while I pull my head up, wiping my eyes and sniffling.
"Just miss my parent's I guess" I lie. He wraps his arms around me again, kissing my forehead telling me everything is going to be alright.

-3 hours later-

After my cryfest we go out, cook dinner with the lads and we sit down to watch a movie. We settled on 'The Exorcist'. One of the scariest movies ever in my opinion but I wouldn't say anything of course. I don't want to make things awkward between Luke and I so I sit next to Ashton on the matress, cuddling into his side. We have such a cloe friendship all together so cuddling is normal for us. Every time a jump scare comes up I squeal and nuzzle in to Ashton's neck, while he just giggles at my reaction.

-Luke's P.O.V-

Screw this movie, screw Ashton, screw Calum for making me feel this way. I hate him, he's clearly flirting with Ashton right in front of me! It's not his fault though, it's not like we're dating or anything. Hell, he doesn't even know I like him! He's not even gay either.. I think? Could Calum be gay? Is that why he was crying earlier? He seemed unsure of himself when he gave me an answer, and he does act kind of gay. No. Stop it Luke. He's not gay don't get your hopes up. I sigh and sink further into the couch. 

An hour or so passes and the movie finishes. Mikey's snores can be heard from the other couch and Calum and Ashton yawn in unsion, making Calum giggle. That damn giggle. Ashton gets up to go get a glass of water and I make my move in sleeping next to him. I jump onto the matress and slide under the blankets next to Calum. 
"Lukey?" Calum whispers. "Are you sleeping next to me?"
"I-If you want Ashton to I can sleep on the other couch.." I reply. I don't want to sleep up there, I want to sleep with you! Oh my god, am I throwing a mind tantrum. Calum doesn't reply he just wraps his arms around me and rests his head in the crook of my neck, sighing in content. I smile at his and fall asleep, with a smile on my face.

Not too sure if this was the best idea. I totally forgot that Calum moves around a lot when he sleeps. Usually he just moves his arms, and sometimes his legs. Currently Calum has his hand rested on my.. crotch area. I'm sitting as still as I can to make sure I dont create any friction between his hand and my.. ya know, otherwise I'd get hard and that would be awkward. I gently remove his hand  from my crotch but as soon as I do it's back there. I go through this a couple of times but every time I do he seems to but his hand right back where my dick is. I eventually give up and get out of bed to use the bathroom.

When I finish my business (no he didn't jerk off he actually pooped or whatever) I slide back in the bed. Calum wraps his leg around my lower body and his arm around my stomach. I try to fall back asleep but I honestly can't, knowing Calum is practically draped over me. I sigh heavily and stare at the ceiling.

-Calum's P.O.V-

I know Luke is awake. Luke know's I move around when I sleep. Why not have some fun and find out if Luke is actually gay or not? I drape my leg over his lower body and wrap my arm around his stomach. I slowly move my hand down, back near his crotch area. I feel him tense beneath me as my hand begins to draw small patterns on his thighs. Funny thing, he doesn't move my hand. He's enjoying it. I move my hand closer to his crotch and he still hasn't attempted to my my hand. I eventually start to palm him through his sweatpants, feeling him become hard very quickly. Lucky the other are fast asleep and a blanket is covering my hand, otherwise this would be very awkward if we got caught. I hear a quiet moan beside me and I try to hide my smirk. I start palming him harder and faster and his moans gradually become louder. I peek through my eyes and he has his eyes shut, and his biting his lip, very hard trying to contain his moans. As I know he's close I remove my hand and turn over like nothing happened. 

-Luke's P.O.V-

That little fucker. Did that even just happen? Did he really sleep-palm me? Can someone do that? He had to be awake, how would he know I was close? I jump out of bed and go to the bathroom to finish what he started. When I come back all the boys are awake making breakfast.
"Luke! What took you so long? We thought you died in there! Were you jacking off?" Michael speaks with a mouth full of toast. I immediately start to blush and think of an excuse.
"I-I no, I was j-just.." Mind blank. Ash and Mikey just laugh and walk back into the living room while Calum just smirks to himself. I grab my cereal and join the others in the living room and I eat while thinking to myself. 

Calum has to know he was doing that. Why else would he be smirking so much? But he does move his hand a lot when he sleeps and of course he's not gay. I sigh and finish my breakfast while we decide what to do today. 
"We could go to the fair? I heard there's a really good one in town, you know the one that comes once every 4 years?" Ashton suggests. We all cheer and agree and soon were heading off to the fair.
When we get there we line up and get our tickets. Literally as soon as we get them Ashton and Mikey run off int he other direction, leaving Calum and I. 
"So.. where do you want to go first?" Cal asks, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. 
"I kind of want to get candy floss, so can we go there?" He nods, and we walk over to the candy floss station.

Half way there I feel someone grab my wrist and drag me into the singular disabled bathroom. I automaticlly panic and I open my mouth to scream when a hand covers it. I open my eyes and Calum is standing in front of me, his face really close to mine while he pushes me up against the wall. He turns around and swiftly locks the door and comes back to me, who's in pure shock. 
"I know you're gay Luke. Why else would you enjoy your little surprise this morning?"He smirks. So eh did know. "Why did you lie to me Luke? I told you I would support you. Of course I would have to if I'm gay too." I widen my eyes as he lifts up my arms and pins them to the wall, attaching his lips to my neck. My eyes flutter closed as I move my neck to give him more space.

-Calum's P.O.V-

I nibble on his neck, a throaty moan escaping his lips. I hungrily attack his lips with mine while I push my body against his and remove my hands from his arms, wrapping them around his body and resting them in his back pockets. I give his butt a pinch and he squeals into the kiss, a blush appearing on his cheeks. 
"Did you know?" I kiss him again. "How much I love you Luke?" I whisper. He pulls away and looks into my eyes for some sort of lie. He slowly shakes his head and I kiss him again. "So much Luke, I love you so much. Do you love me too?" I pull away waiting for an answer. He puts his head down and shyly mutters "I love you too Cal." And thats all it takes for me to attach my lips to his again. 

His hands fly up to my hair, tugging on the hairs on the nape of my neck, making me release a moan. I rest my hands under his butt, signalling him to jump, which he does. I carry him over to the overly large sink and rest him up there, kissing, sucking and biting his neck. His hands roam my body and he tugs on my shirt, signalling me to take it off. I do and so does he and soon enough we are both in our underwear. My hands find there way down his body and one traces patterns on his inner thigh, while the other palming him through his boxers. He lets our a deep moan and I feel myself hardening at the sound of his moans. I tug down his boxers and his erection springs up, hitting him in the lower stomach. I start slowly stroking him and he becomes restless, wanting more. 
"Cal, baby, please. F-faster b-baby" And as he wishes, I start going faster, rubbing his slit a few times spreading the pleasure throughout his body. Soon enough he comes in my hand and I grab some toilet tissue to wipe it up. As he sits there trying to catch his breath I decide to ask a question that's been on my mind.
"Lukey? Do you actually l-love me?" I whisper while looking down. He grabs my chin, lifting my head up to look into his eyes.
"Of course I do baby, always have, always will." And then he kisses me.

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