Chapter 21

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Lena's POV

Its been a long week since my last confrontation with Damon. I keep my mind as far away from him as possible.

Which isn't too hard because I don't see him at all.

And as much as I know I should hate him.

I don't.

I can't.

He hit me. He spoke to me like I was filth. But only I'm to blame. I hit him first.

For a few seconds when he held me in his arms. I felt safe again. I felt almost like there wasn't a big hole in my heart.

Like maybe I could be unbroken.

I was wrong about him.

No, I lied to him. Damon isn't his father. No, Damon had a heart.

And before I screwed up and slapped him I believe I saw a different part of him. A part that I liked, really liked.

Maybe we prisoners weren't the only ones who need saving.

Damon is just as broken as me.

Hes just as much of a prisoner as the rest of us. He's been hurt bad.

I believe when he hurts others its like a reprieve from his own pain.

Question is who?

Who put that haunted look in his eyes?

Well, so much for not thinking of him. But honestly who am I kidding he's all I think of. I know I shouldn't.

But I do. All the time.

Even now as the sun is finally about to set and let the world cool down around me. I don't even feel the blisters on my hands anymore. I've gotten so used to them being there.

My shovel has become my extension. I move it moves.

I'm still trying to clear my head of thoughts of Damon. When almost as if my thoughts summoned him I hear his voice for the first time in a week.

Its harsh. "You! Come here now!"

At first I don't think he's speaking to me. I loath myself for my next move.

Its been a week.

I need to see him.

So I do.

I turn around to face him. And not 100 yards away from me he stands.

Damon looks as good as ever. I allow myself a few seconds to memorize his face. His stunningly sad eyes. His plump full lips that had once touched mine. Hair that falls just right no matter how hot it is.

Its when his eyes tighten with anger and he roars.

"Now!" That I realise he is indeed talking to me.

I drop my shovel and scamper over to him.

He just turns and and bellows "Follow me."

I do as he says without hesitation. We've walked for a while and I realise we are heading to the Canten.

"Where are you taking me?" I'm almost too scared to ask. But he still says nothing.

Just before we reach the Canten, Damon grabs my arm and we turn into a narrow corridor. When we stop he pushes himself against the wall.

Damon crosses his arms and smiles. "To you new assignment."

"I don't understand."

He sighs and says "I'm sorry, Lena. What I said and did to you was... horrible. You have every damn right to hate me. You do. But I hate seeing you so worn down. From now on you are to work in the Canten. No more shoveling for you. Now get to work."

He said it gently. Then just as gently Damon walks past me. Ever so slightly sliding his fingertips down my jaw as he disappears around the corner.

Leaving me speechless.

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