Chapter Eleven

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(George POV)

Today's the day. The day we either die or we get out of here. I'm hoping for the latter, both of us are. I spent the time that I wasn't asleep going over the plan in my head. Theoretically, the plan should work. But the reality is, we don't know what is on the other side of the door and we don't know how strong they are. Judging by the guys that took me, they were trained fighters, Reece and I certainly are not. And who knows, they might not even fall for it. Knowing these could be my last hours, I wanted to make the most of them with Reece.

I turned around in Reece's arms and saw he was already awake. He kissed me on the nose, making me smile.

"Morning, gorgeous," Reece said.

"Morning, babe," I said back, smiling against his lips.

I put my head on Reece's chest and cuddled into him. The room was silent, the only thing I could hear was Reece's steady heartbeat, keeping me calm. I felt content as he ran his hand up and down my back. I just wish it was under better circumstances. We laid there for awhile in silence, but Reece eventually broke it.

"You okay?" Reece asked.

"Yeah, I'm just trying not to think about the fact that this might not work," I answered.

"I know, me too." Reece kissed my forehead.

Just then, there was a noise at the door. I almost jumped out of my skin, before soon realising it was just breakfast. Reece brought me my plate. It was the usual, two plain pieces of toast, but we were gonna need everything we could get for today. After we ate, Reece and I went over the plan. Neither of us found any flaws in the plan so we were good to go. Once it hits lunchtime, we start phase one of the plan.

The next few hours were spent hoping for the best, but planning for the worst. One thing I hadn't taken into consideration is if only one of us makes it out and if that one was me. I couldn't bear losing Reece. But we both knew what we were getting ourselves into. It was his choice, he knew the risks. I couldn't tell him not to try to escape. We'll just have to make sure this works.

I stayed in Reece's arms as we waited. It felt like longer than usual between meals, but that could just be the nerves. There were a lot of those bubbling around, that's for sure. I started having second thoughts about this. I wasn't ready to die. But the chances of surviving this after two weeks in here was low. I want to see my family again, my friends, this might be the only way. So as much as it terrifies me, I have to do it. I won't go down without a fight.

We sat and waited around a little impatiently. Surely it's lunchtime by now. At least four hours had passed since breakfast and they had been feeding us consistently since I passed out. I turned to Reece and went to speak when there was a bang. It was loud enough for us to hear it from in here where the walls were almost completely soundproof. I felt my heart rate speed up.

I slowly and hesitantly stood up and made my way over to the door. The shuffling behind me indicated Reece was coming too. I pressed my ear against the door right as some more noises started, loud and repetitive banging. Gunshots.

I jumped away from the door, right into Reece and knocked him over, us both going down. My hands and feet shuffled on the floor as I tried to move myself backwards and as far away from the door as possible and as fast as I could. I managed to back myself up against the wall but Reece stayed there frozen.

"Reece," I said, my voice laced with fear.

Reece seemed to snap out of his trance upon hearing my voice. He rushed over to me.

"It's okay, " Reece put his hands on my cheeks. "Everything's going to be okay." He moved them down to my neck.

Despite his words, Reece's eyes showed he was thinking the same thing as me.

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