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The trio felt as if they were being watched but it was brushed off as a mouse or something of the sort looking at them.

A loud creek was heard from the darkest part of the house, down a long dark, musty hallway that they presumed lead to upstairs seeing as there was a staircase barely visible at the end of it. They're heads all snapped to look at one another. a silent agreement was made between the three that they should probably get out of there. After all there could be a potentially dangerous person in there, and the last thing they want is to be murdered in some creepy house in the middle of nowhere, where their decaying corpses won't be found for weeks or even months.

Donghyuck starts walking back the way they came, followed by Renjun and soon after Jaemin.

Jaemin looks back to the dimly lit hallway only to see the silhouette of a man. His eyes widen as he mentally panics, he soon turns around trying to act as if he didn't just see someone or something standing there, not even fifteen feet behind him. He scampers off and walks closely behind Renjun deciding he won't mention it for the sake of his friends.

Yeah, he could tell his friends but they'd either not believe him or get spooked. He didn't want his friends to get paranoid or anything of the sort, or to think he's finally lost his mind.

They were all quite disappointed that they were leaving so soon, but they figured it'd be best to maybe comeback a different time.

Donghyuck stopped at the window and held his hands out motioning for Renjun to get in front of him. "Ladies first," he said. the only response he got was a 'tch' from Renjun as he walked in front of him. Renjun dropped out of the window with an 'oof'. Donghyuck made his way out. Being the last one in the house made Jaemin feel really uneasy. The feeling of dread washed over said boy again, but this time stronger than before. He quickly stuck one leg out the and was straddling the window seal.
Jaemin glances up to the room one last time before he dropped. But as soon as his eyes landed on the door way his heart stopped for a brief moment, as he saw the figure again.

He quickly lets himself fall when he felt a pit in his stomach. He fell into the hard ground below letting out a little whine when his tail bone started to slightly ache. The two watched as Jaemin quickly stood up and dusted himself off before laughing nervously glancing back up to the window.

"okay then let's yeet" Renjun states and he turns on his heels.

"Agreed, I'm tired," Donghyuck says before pouting.

Jaemin only hummed and glanced back at the window seeing nothing to his relief. The trio got into the car before making their way to Jaemin's house, where they all were staying for the weekend. They all went into Jaemin's room where he had two blow up mattresses set up for  his two best friends. They all climbed into their beds ready to sleep after the long day.

lol i'm sorry this is really crappy ):
also didn't proof read. wrote this in like 30 minutes cause I have nothing else to do

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