chapter 1

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I just stood there. Over my father's body. Holding a sharp piece of broken glass. Blood surrounds my father's head. I fucking killed him..I hear a knock at the door.....

<~1 hour before~>
I walked into my house. Scared if he's awake. When I walked in I didn't see him anywhere. That's bad- I walked to my room to see everything gone except my bed, dresser and my mirror. Even the door to my closet is gone.

"Well you see what happens when you disobey me, (Y/DN your dead name) or should I say (Y/n)?' I heard the sick voice. The smell of beer hit me. I turned to see him. The drunk bastard who killed my mother.

He walked twords me stumbling a few times before grabbing my hair. I winced under the grip he had on my hair. 'Your school called and told me 'Your "son (y/n)" was caught smoking weed in the bathroom. If he does one more thing he will be expelled.' his grip tightened on my hair.

'What have I told you about that fucking name?' he said waiting for my answer. 'ANSWER ME!' he screamed throwing me against the wall into my mirror causing it to break. 'you would kill me...if I used...that name...' I said in-between breaths.

' Exactly so why did you use It?!' he yelled punching my stomach. I gasped at the pain. 'Because that is my name' I said holding my stomach. After I said that it was all a blur all I could hear was muffled yelling and feel punches, kicks and myself throwing up.

It was an hour beating. The most painful one of all. After he left I laid on the floor. I heard him looking for something in the kitchen. I knew what was gonna happen.. I took the rest of energy I had to get up. I looked around to see what I can use to defend myself. Couldn't find anything until I looked at my now broken mirror.

I rushed to it looking for a sharp piece. It took a bit but I found one just sharp enough to pierce skin. I looked at my doorway and got up. I stumbled twords my door and down the hall. I looked in the kitchen to see my father's back turned twords me. He's looking for the brander. The thing he used when I disobeyed him.

I slowly and quietly walked up to him. He turned around and I freaked. The next thing I knew was him falling to the ground with a stab wound on his neck. I just stood there. Over my father's body. Holding a sharp piece of broken glass. Blood surrounds my father's head. I fucking killed him..I hear a knock at the door.

I ran with the little energy I had to the door looking through the peephole. I saw my neighbor. A boy named Toby. He's a sweet kid. Only a year older than me. I rarely saw him so why did he have to come now? I looked at my myself then at my father. You couldn't see him from the door. I had not blood on me.

I took a deep breath and opened the door. 'Hello?' I said looking at the boy. 'O-oh hello. I came he-here because I heard screaming a-and yelling and i-i wanted to see if y-ou were ok.' he said as he ticked. 'oh ummm yeah I'm find. Just my father watching tv.' I said hoping he would believe me.

I noticed something on his hoodie. It looked like blood. 'Can I c-come in?' he asked. 'No!- I mean no. I'm sorry but my father's busy cleaning.' I said. I was worried he wouldn't believe me. Clearly he didn't. 'I saw the whole th-thing. Trust m-me I won't tell anyo-ne.' he said looking at me with sympathetic eyes.

I hated that. I hated people giving me pity. I dragged him in slamming the door. 'what did you see?!' I yelled looking at him. 'Him a-abusing you. H-he left the blinds open. I-i saw all of it.' he said looking at my father's dead body. 'Please don't tell anyone' I looked at him worried. 'I-i won't trust me. I k-killed my family as we-ll' he said looking at me.

No emotion what so ever. It scared me. I backed away from him. 'N-no please don't. I-i won't hurt you. I wanted to as-ask you to come with m-e.' well that shocked me. 'Wh-what?!' I asked. 'why?!' he looked at me getting closer to me. 'B-because you j-just killed your dad-' I cut him off.

'A dad is someone who takes care of you. He on the other hand didn't so never call him my dad.' I said. He looked shocked. 'A-anyway I was gonna ask if you wa-wanted to run away with m-me? I put gasoline a-all over the neighborhood s-so please come with me.' he said grabbing my hand.

'How can I trust you?' I asked. 'Because if I wanted to kill you I would have already.' he said with no tics. Nope that's scarier. 'o-ok' I said. 'But don't I need clothes?' I asked him. 'N-no just grab a weapon. Y-ou never know when you'll ne-ed one.' he said ticing again. I ran to the basement and grabbed it. My hatchet. The one my grandfather gave me when I turned 16.

|Flashback| it was my 16th birthday. My grandfather came over. He said it was time to give me something that I couldn't let my father know about. He always knew what my father did to me. He couldn't do anything though. He said 'If you're ever in danger use this. You can't die before me (y/n).' he said with a smile on his face.

He always used my preferred name. Always respected me and loved me for who I am. Oh how I missed him.

|End of flashback|

'(Y/N) hurry the cops are coming!' I heard toby yelled from upstairs. I ran to him only to be dragged out by him to the edge of the woods. He took a match out and lit it throwing it into the gasoline. We watched as our neighborhood bursts into flames. Everything I have ever known. Gone. In flames.

Tearing up I looked at Toby only to see him passed out. I leaned down seeing if he was still breathing. He was. I sighed out of relief. I suddenly felt really dizzy. I heard static in my ears. I tried to cover my ears only for it to get louder. Next thing I knew was that I passed out.

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