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Raven set down her teacup and left the kitchen. She traveled downstairs and went to Charlotte's room. The door opened and she went inside to find the bed empty.

At first she panicked until she remembered that Charlotte had gone to Changeling's room earlier that week when she'd had to use the restroom. Raven could only hope the little girl was there.

She went across the hall and knocked on the door. No one answered. She knocked again. No one answered. She knocked louder. Again, there was no answer.

She punched the button to open the door, hoping it wasn't locked. It wasn't usually but she wasn't one to barge into anyone's inner sanctum. The door opened and she peeked in.

Charlotte was inside alright. She was on the bed with Changeling and Riley. All three were wolves.

Raven stepped inside before the doors shut and walked to the bed. She reached out but before she could touch Charlotte, Changeling moved. She pulled her hand back.

Changeling unfurled himself from his spot and stretched. His mouth opened and his tongue came rolling out as his bones cracked.

Raven frowned at the display. Was any of that necessary?

Changeling laid back down on the bed and opened his eyes. He sat there, staring at her.

Raven stared back but he didn't say or do anything. "Good morning, Changeling."

He rolled onto his back and shifted to his humanoid form. He crossed his legs and put his arms behind his head. "Mornin, Rae."

Her eyes followed his movements and lack thereof of a shirt. "When did she come in?"

"I don't know. I woke up a few hours ago and noticed she was curled up by me." He looked to the top of the bed, where the pillows were.

Raven reached forward and picked up the pup. "Wake up, Charlotte."

"You look nice this morning." He said lazily.

She looked down at her blue hoodie with a black raven on the kangaroo pocket, black slacks and booties. She had a nice shirt on under her hoodie and would take it off when they neared the courthouse but around the Tower, she wanted to wear it. "Thank you, I suppose."

"Aren't you gonna say I look nice this morning?"

She gave him a droll look. "You're nearly naked."

"I can't look good naked?"

She blushed. "Stop that!"

He rolled over and out of the bed, landing on his feet gracefully.

Her mouth went dry.

He stood up slowly and sauntered to her.

Her pulse went crazy.

He came nearer and wrapped his arms around her loosely, giving her plenty of time to pull away.

Her eyes were wide.

"Good morning, Raven." His emerald gaze pored into hers like green molten lava.

His rough voice sent shivers down her spine as it caressed her senses. His nearness drove her mad with longing. His words made no difference, she was hooked. "Good morning, Gar."

He brushed his lips across hers ever so softly. She could barely feel them, which made her focus on the feeling even more. He tightened his grip ever so slightly.

The spell weaving around them was broken by a gentle yawning and Charlotte stretching out. Raven broke away and shifted Charlotte so she was a barrier. "Charlotte?"

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