Thorsday Thursday

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Changeling whistled as he put the last dish in the dishwasher and turned it on. "I say we go down to the grove and pick fruit."

The subject at breakfast was what to do that day.

"That's a pretty good idea, C." Cyborg said as he waved Calvin's hand with his index finger. "We need more stuff."

"Would you like to go to the grove and pick the fruit, Christopher?" Starfire asked.

"I don't know how." Christopher raised his shoulders.

"It's really easy." Changeling promised. "You just pick fruit off the tress and bushes. Like a leaf."

Christopher nodded. "It sounds fun."

"It is." Starfire vowed.


"You guys have those good apples. I can't wait to pick a bunch." Bumble Bee hummed.

"Speaking of which." Changeling went to the pantry then came back with a mason jar. "Would you like these?"

"What is it?" She put Calvin on her shoulder and held her hand out for it.

"Spiced apple chunks." He gave it to her.

"Ooh. Sounds nummy. Don't mind if I do."

"Excuse me?! Did you just say "nummy"?!" Cyborg turned in his seat to look at her.

"I didn't want to say yummy." She shrugged.

"You're so weird."

"Forget you! You're weird!"

"You can't forget me! I'm awesome."

"An awesome failure." She rolled her eyes.

He glared at her. "Name one thing I've failed at!"

She named five.

"I said one!"

"Alright, guys. Enough fighting." Nightwing bit back laughter. "Let's just go outside."

Just then the alarm blared.

"Not fair!" Changeling crossed his arms across his chest.

The group crowded around the console as Nightwing brought up the crime details. "So much for being retired. Alright guys, move out! We have to stop Dr. Light from robbing the museum."

The adults started to move towards the elevator but Bumble Bee whistled sharply. "Who's going to stay with the kids?"

The others froze. They hadn't thought of that.

"I volunteer." Starfire said after a moment of them looking at each other.

"Cyborg or Bumble Bee should stay, too. For Cal." Nightwing nodded.

"I'll stay." Cyborg shrugged. "I bet the fight won't even last that long."

"Alright. Titans, go!" Nightwing led the way out for a quick costume change.

Starfire sat on the couch and folded her legs. She pulled Christopher to the middle of them and hugged him. "Would you like to play a game, young one?"

Christopher nodded. "What game, Mommy?"

She wrinkled her face as she thought. "We could play Klorbag."

"What's that?"

"A test of strength and agility."

"Maybe we can play another game, Star?" Cyborg suggested. "I know one that's fun and won't kill anybody."

No One's Gonna Love YouOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora