Manic Monday

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"Eat my dust!" Changeling yelled.

"Hold your horses, Green Bean!" Cyborg twisted in his seat as his character in the video game did. "I'm catching up to you! Cheating won't work!"


"You're both behind." Nightwing chuckled.

The besties shared a telling glance, where they vowed to put aside their differences and unite to take down their leader.

The game was intense and all knew it would be a photo finish when all of a sudden, the screen flickered and changed to the outside camera as the doorbell rang.

"Aww!" Changeling groaned.

Nightwing frowned. "I don't see anybody."

"Me either." Cyborg ran a big hand over his bald head. "Maybe they left?"

The doorbell rang again.

"Or not."

"Who's going to get it?" Changeling wanted to know. "I got up last time."

"And I got up the time before that." Nightwing looked at Cyborg.

The robotic teen groaned before climbing to his feet. "All you had to say was "get the door"."

"Get the door."

Cyborg glared at the ace detective as he stomped to the elevator and Changeling laughed himself silly. He grumbled to himself as he rode the lift down to the first level and walked to the front door.

He checked the camera beside the door and still didn't see anything. He pulled open the door and looked out. The sun shone brightly in his face and birds chirped but no one was outside.

He grumbled at the situation and turned to go back inside when he heard a tiny voice. "Hi!"

He stopped in pure confusion. Did he just hear what he thought he heard?

"What's your name?"

He reeled back. He was hearing a voice! He did what his instinct was telling him and looked down. And almost passed out. There were three kids on the doorstep! He leaned precariously before gaining his equilibrium. "What?"

"My name is Christopher. What's your name?" The one who spoke was a little African American boy no older than four. He had on dirty clothes and his hair stuck out all over his head. But he was cute.

Cyborg waved faintly. "Hi."

The little boy beamed. "What's your name?"


"That's a funny name." He giggled.

"I guess it is. It's a nickname." Cyborg looked outside for anyone who could be responsible for them but the island was empty.

"What's a nickname?"

Cyborg payed attention to them again. "It's a new name someone gives you that's fun."

"Oh. I want a nickname."

Cyborg eyed him before squatting to his level. "Where do you come from, Chris?"

Christopher shrugged.

"You don't know your address?"

The little boy shook his head.

"What about your telephone number?"

He did it again.

"Do you know your mommy or daddy's name?"


Cyborg sighed. "How did you get here?"

"The scary lady said that the people here will take care of us."

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