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Y/n who is playing DMC-5 on his PS4 stopped suddenly.


He exclaimed out loudly and a blue screen appears in his line of sight. He then started to look for one of his ability "Total Mimicry" which he never used.

Y/n then clicked on the description.

[TOTAL MIMICRY: The possessor of this ability can mimic everything that others can do or has access to, including their skills, powers, talents, attributes, intuition, condition/status, experience, knowledge, actions, object, weaponry and transformation]

After reading the description of this broken ability, he turned his attention to the game he was playing just a minute ago.

Y/n: wonder if I can Mimic Dante's sword hmm...

Y/n muttered underneath his breath while staring at his character Dante who is holding his new sword "Devil Sword Dante".

Y/n muttered underneath his breath while staring at his character Dante who is holding his new sword "Devil Sword Dante"

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A large two-handed sword mostly made of a dark substance resembling of a dark substance resembling solidified lava, with claws running up it's the length, talons for a handguard and a red jewel on its pommel materialize in front of him, floating in mid-air.

Y/n: t-this...

With shaking hands he grabbed the handle of the large two-handed sword. Y/n eyes widened in shock as he could feel the overwhelming demonic power this sword has.

Y/n burst out laughing like a madman and activated his ability once again.

A Katana materializes in his hands...

And a red motorcycle with bat wing- like decorative extensions to the side faring and double-sided serrated blades extending from the point where the front fork meets the wheel materialized inside his room

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And a red motorcycle with bat wing- like decorative extensions to the side faring and double-sided serrated blades extending from the point where the front fork meets the wheel materialized inside his room.

And a red motorcycle with bat wing- like decorative extensions to the side faring and double-sided serrated blades extending from the point where the front fork meets the wheel materialized inside his room

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