Le answers

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So here are your answers to the amazing questions you all asked.

That_sad_one - "Question: What inspires you? Except watching Good Omens and (Cough) Tumblr (Cough) For example, do you read other fanfictions or watch some juicy shite?"

Answer: Theres nothing really that inspires me other than songs. But I do read other fanfictions and then suddenly I just get a burst of energy. So I keep the ~ d i r t y ~ thoughts in my head and try to make them into a one-shot so you guys can enjoy them. :^)

-oBBSessed- - "what other fandoms are you into?
Where is one place you want to visit and why?
What kind of youtubers do you watch?"

Answer: Uhh, well to keep the list short the fandoms I'm into are:

• Good Omens (ofc)
• Detroit: Become Human
The Umbrella Academy
MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Harry Potter
Fantastic Beasts
And many horror movie fandoms if those count.

And I dont know if bands count but I'm in a lot of band fandoms. Again, to name a few I would have to say:

Girl in Red
Omar Apollo
Led Zeppelin
Rob Zombie
Melanie Martinez
My Chemical Romance
Panic! At The Disco
Twenty Øne Piløts
Fall Out Boy
I Dont Know How But They Found Me
Some Billie Eillish
And Evelyn Evelyn.

The place I would love to go is either Canada or the UK. Why? Because I just dont like living in America. I mean, I love it, but I hate it because of how it is. Donald Trump is a really bad president and I cried hard at an article about a hispanic dad and his infant daughter trying to find a way out of the border through a river. Turns out while on their journey, they were found to have drowned in the river faced down with the daughters arm wrapped around her fathers neck, showing that they were holding onto each other for their last moments. And that just hurt me hard. I basically sobbed myself to sleep because it was night and I wasnt ready for that.

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