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Idea by: sorim707
You have no idea how many sad songs I played just to be in a saddened mood to write this chapter.
Btw it's a fluff chapter again so lMaO

It was a dark a chilly night in the United Kingdom. The sky was it's normal dark shade of either black or navy blue, maybe a hint of purple. It could be in between because earth is a wondrous world filled with mysteries. The sky was littered with stars and the sinful demon known as Crowley was silently appreciating the view.

He sighed quietly and thought of his angel friend known as Aziraphale; he thought about the beautiful soft looking skin, the way he would smile so bright that nothing else shined as bright as the angels smile, the gorgeous baby blue, almost aqua colored eyes he had, the soft looking white hair he desperately wanted to touch and pet. He even loved the way Aziraphale smelled.

He sighed again, this time deeper. Almost as if he was depressed.

He moved through the darkness of his flat, going to his room and then flopping on top of his dark bed.

He stared at the ceiling. Still thinking of his angel. Wondering why, when, or how he would tell the soft man how he truly felt.

He took his sunglasses off, throwing it aside and yelling in frustration.

"Why can't you just get out of my head?!"

"Why must you be so attractive that you cloud my mind so often?!"

"Why can't you understand I have feelings for you?!"

"Why can't I make you mine..?"

"Why aren't you mine..?"

Crowley slowly calmed down, groaning into his hands. He felt tears form in his serpent eyes but he wouldn't allow it to happen. He quickly fixed himself up and laid comfortably in his dark bed. He continued to stare at the ceiling above him until he slowly but surely fell asleep..

--Dream time--

Crowley was walking out after getting ready.

He yawned quietly as he got into his Bentley, closing the door and turning the engine.

Although, he discovered something odd.

His radio wasn't quite working and he couldn't live without his music, so he tried fixing it with his little demon miracles but found to no avail.

He just brushed it off and continued on driving off to Aziraphales bookshop.

And of course it wouldn't be our Crowley if he didn't almost hit a car or pedestrian.

He soon got to the angels usual spot to be at since he didn't have very much to do other than fit in with the human crowd.

He got out and he felt like everything or everyone around him was unusual.

Most of everything around him was a little slower and seemed to be in.. static..?

Crowley x Aziraphale smut one-shots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now