Chapter 22 ~ birthday bash

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TRIGGER WARNING: if you are uncomfortable with the idea of rape and abuse, i advise to stop reading.

the music blared loudly through the speakers in our house, making everything vibrate and shake intensely. i wiggle and squirm through people, trying to find at least one person i knew.

"sorry, excuse me. i'm so sorry." i panted and sweat as people danced and talked, i wiped my forehead nervously and mustered a fake smile, still trying to find someone. multi coloured lights flashed around me, dancing to the beat of the music. there was more people than intended to be there, placing me in a very uncomfortable situation. i hate crowds, especially when i'm trapped in them and alone. my hair that was once in a ponytail, was now loose and on my back.

"hey, baby, what are you doin' tonight?" i whip around as someone places their hands on my waist. a tall guy with thick, wavy black hair and piercing green eyes, was clutching on to me tightly.

"nothing with you." i state bluntly. my panic attack was now rising and i could feel myself start to get even more sweaty and scared. i tried to pry the mans hands off of me, but he brought me closer and whispered in my ear.

"come on baby, don't be mean." his hands trailed down to my jeans front and they began to inch towards my lady part.

"i said no dipshit." he growled in my ear and pushed himself up against me. i closed my eyes, trying to think this wasn't happening. no one seemed to notice either.

"don't piss me off doll. it won't end well for you." tears prick my vision and i frantically look around again, looking for elijah. i could scream. that will get him off me. i open my mouth to shriek, but a hand is shoved on my mouth. the guy lets out a deep chuckle and breathes in my ear. "shut the fuck up." he shoved me up the stairs, swerving around oblivious people. i silently cry and try to shake him off but every time i do, his grip tightens.

"relax baby doll. this'll be over soon." i let out a loud cry as he pushes me into a room. not just any room, elijah and i's room.

"no, no no no. please stop." i cry squirming around in his grip. i plead with the man, but he still doesn't let go. he slams the door shut and drags me into the room further.

"shhh, it's all right doll." he shoves me towards the bed and grabs my hair, pushing me on to the bed face first, he grabs my wrists and holds them behind my back. he grunts as he struggles to unbuckle his belt. just as he was about to take it off, there's a knock on the door.

"y/n? you in there?" it was ethan. i try to yell back, but the man pulls my hair and yanks my head back.

"don't say a damn word." i cry as he pulls my hair harder.

"y/n? is that you? are you ok?" the man covers my mouth and drags me to the bathroom. he shoved me in and closes the door locking it. i land on the floor with a thud and hit my head against the cold tiles.

"shit." i mutter. i get up, vision clouding and mind spinning. i struggle to walk over to the window and open it, as i do, i hear the guy talking to ethan. "shit, shit, shit." i whimper and look down at how far the drop was. i was on the second story, so jumping would hurt a fuckton. i look to my left and see a tree, close enough to the window for me to climb down. i look back at the bathroom door and hear the talking quiet down and the bedroom door shut.

"ohhh y/n~ your friend interrupted us, where were we?" my eyes bug and i take a deep breathe, grabbing the window sill and lifting myself out the window. i hear the knob being turned and fiddled with, the man struggling to get it open. "damnit!"

i look to my right now, and attempt to swing over to a strong and sturdy branch. i grab one and let out a breathe of relief and grip it tightly, bringing my full weight onto it. the bathroom door bursts open and the green eyed man glares at me intensely. i yep as he attempts to grab me and shimmy down the branch. i hear him follow me and i jump off the tree, tumbling onto the ground. "shit!" i shriek and wince in pain, taking deep breathes and stare at the night sky in shock. i shake it off and i get up and dash to the front door, praying, i was ok and as well as my baby. "elijah!" i holler over the loud music, "elijah!" i yell again. i shove people out of my way and don't bother to excuse my self or say sorry this time.

"y/n? there you are!" ethan runs up to me and hugs me tightly as i cry into his shoulder. "i've been looking everywhere for you. where the fuck have you been?" i shake and continue to cry as he leads me to the kitchen, towards elijah, ava, cody and amy.

"oh my god y/n!" ava hugs me tightly, failing to notice my tear streaked face and scratches all over my body.

"y/n, are you ok? what happened to you?" elijah asks hugging me and running his hands through my hair.

"elijah... i was-was so sca-scared." i sobbed into his shoulder, but it didn't last long. i was yanked from his grip, into another mans. i yell out in surprise and fear when i notice who it is and start sobbing even more, struggling to break free.

"there you are you bitch."

"hey! let her go!" elijah storms forward and looks the guy dead in the eyes. it looks could kill, this guy would have dropped dead. the mans grip tightened on me and by now, almost everyone in the kitchen was staring. i grew uncomfortable and continued to try and get out of this guys grasp.

"what are you gonna do about it, pretty boy? this bitch is mine. back off." elijah's glare hardens and he takes a step forward, ethan, ava, amy and cody not too far behind.

"the guy said let her go. i would listen if i were you mate." ava says sternly, both hands in fists. the guy chuckles darkly and pushes my ass against his man hood, while everyone watched. i cried as he slapped a hand on my mouth.

"i'm not lettin' her go. not 'till i get what i want." with that he shoved himself against me harder. i let out a yell and bit down on his disgusting hand and he yells out in pain. "you bitch! you-you bit me!" i walk up to him and grab his collar, adrenaline pushing itself through me.

"call me a bitch one more fucking time and see what happens." he grins cockily and leans down into my face and breathes out one word on his liquor smelling breathe,

"bitch." with that i slam my head into his and knee him in the dick.

"prick." i spit out and watch as he writhes in pain on the ground. the adrenaline that was once pumping through me, was now gone and i started to sob again. elijah runs up to me and hugs me tightly, crying as well.

"i'm so sorry i wasn't with you." he mutters as he kisses my forehead. i continue to cry, in the middle of the kitchen surrounded by random people, and people who love me. this was some birthday.

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