Chp.6 |Seiyo Academy Candidates And The Gaurdians|

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|~~~~~~~~Seiyo Academy And The~~~~~|

(Amu)'s P.O.V

My name is Hinamori Amu, and I am a student at the culinary school named Seiyo Academy. I am also part of what you call the Guardians, they are basically the student council. But we have a secret, we have something called Guardian Character. They are born from our wishes and dreams. They help us achieve that dream, and in return we believe in them. If we do not they disappear or worse they become corrupted in darkness.

Today a few are chosen to travel and compete in The Grand Cake Prix, and that includes The Guardians. Us. The Grand Cake Prix is going to be held at St. Maire Academy another culinary school, and our rivals. But recently I had went ahead to check out, to make sure it is safe and no X-eggs have appeared.

When I got there I immediately felt a strong negative energy. I ran to the destination, and found a girl in her character transformation. How did she do that?! I need to report this to the others, but for now I need to keep looking around. I also need to get info on her, she seems like a good candidate to transfer to Seiyo academy.

...^||~~TimeSkip~~||^>>^||~~By Ichigos Gluttony~~||^...

After I had collected all the information, I had concluded there are only four that are true candidates:

1. Her names is (L/n)(Y/n), part of S-Group and is the only member. Is currently the biggest threat in the competition, and has immense potential. Amount of Shugo charas/Sweet Spirits - ?¿unknown?¿.
2. His name is Makoto Kashino, part of A-Group and specialises in Chocolate. Is currently the second biggest threat, but is a Tsudere. Has somewhat potential. Amount of Shugo charas/Sweet Spirits - 1
3. His name is Sennosuke Andou, part of A-Group and specialises in Japanese sweets. Is currently the third biggest threat, He is very kind, calm and sweet (Author~chan has a crush on him OwO). Has somewhat potential. Amount of Shugo charas/Sweet Spirits - 1
4. His name is Satsuki Hanabusa, part of A-Group and specialises in Candy sculpture and flower based cakes. Is currently the forth biggest threat, He is a playboy but is very kind. He loves his mother. Has somewhat potential. Amount of Shugo charas/Sweet Spirits - 1

...^||~~TimeSkip~~||^>>^||~~By Author~chan drooling over Andou~~||^...

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

Today is the that Seiyo Academy comes to St.Marie Academy. They're coming to check at the academy, before the Grand Cake Prix. Seiyo academy is one of our biggest rivals, and when mustn't lose. They had probably already scouted out the area, I don't know their true intentions but it is probably something bad.

...^||~~TimeSkips~~||^>>^||~~ By Author~chan's writer block ~~||^...

It is finally time. Seiyo academy arrives in one hour, and right now we are setting up a welcome party for them. I was in charge in making the Guardians cake, Excuse me but who? What even is that name... oh well! It's not like I'm gonna meet them, because I'm not going to the welcome party. I need to go home, and start creating more recipes for the shops. I have no time to greet snot nosed brats. I just hope I don't see them often, but they're staying here for four days and three nights. I do not think my wish will come true.

 I do not think my wish will come true

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