Chapter 2- Cassandra Lang

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WADE woke up in a hospital feeling a sharp pain in his gut, he tried to check the stab wound out but his doctor walk in his room and his exact words were i wouldn't do that just yet Mister implying Wade would give him his name so he responded Wade just Wade.

The Doctor said if miss Cassandra hadn't called the ambulance by the time she did you'd bled out and died in that ally you know.

Wade asked to see miss Cassandra, who had stay in the all night concerned about someone she'd never met well apart from the fact that she was soaked in Wades blood that was the only attachment they had.
The Doctor asked one of the nurses to go and call Ms.Lang and tell her the man she saved was conscious now and wanted to speak to his Hero.

Wade yes Doctor um Wade tried to sit up so he can see the name tag of the Doctor but the pain he felt was immense even though he'd been through much worst than this on the force.

Doctor you were saying something yes ah Wade i was saying the wound would heal in about two weeks you will be clear by tomorrow so we won't keep you for long okay Wade nodded his head.

The Doctor bumped into miss Cassandra on his way out of Wade room and told her she should be brief Cassandra asked if they had been able to ID the man and the Doctor said he only gave us his first name but I'll get one of the nurses to go to him for the rest of the details and see if we can get someone to pick him up tomorrow it's protocol Presley we won't be able to clear him. So can you tell him that when you speak to him, and please Ms Cassandra be brief.

Thank you Doctor um can you help me out with your name I'm finding it a bit difficult to pronounce oh i get that a lot said the Doctor.

Its pronounced Stilinski, Dr.Stilinski wow said miss Cassandra that's a very unique name well let me go and check up on Wade then. You know you did a great job calling it in on time miss Cassandra said Dr. Stilinski she smiled and walked continued on her way to Wades room.

Room 56 yes okay this is it Wades room she gave the door a knock twice and Wade said come in.
I'm Cassandra the lady who brought you in last night.
Hey how are you doing Wade up you know you gave me quiet a scare i thought you were gonna die on me.
Wade pulled out his hand for a hand shake and Cassandra also pulled in and shakes his hand,I'm Wade and thank you so much for saving my life I'm told if you weren't there to say me I'd been dead so for that I'm grateful Cassandra.
I'm sorry i put you through that said Wade Cassandra stop him before he could complete that sentence and said it was nothing Wade don't worry i bet you'd do. the same for me if the tables were turned.
Wade nodded in agreeance.

****Note:Below is a dialogue between Wade and Cassandra.

Cassandra: Wade you the doctor said you will have to give them a full detail of yourself so they can call your family to come and pick you up tomorrow.

Wade: I think i can manage by myself by the way I'm the only one there is no one to call.

Cassandra: Oh don't you have any friends you can phone.

Wade: No not really

Cassandra: You are loner err.

Wade: Yes i like to keep to myself.

Cassandra: So tell me Wade why were you bleeding in the middle of the ally because I've been coming through a lot o scenarios would you care to enlighten me.

Wade: It happened so fast one minute I'm exiting the bar the next I'm being robbed.
He asked for the money on me and i being arrogant refused and for that he stabbed me and apparently stole my wallet and my watch which my dad gave to me before he died.O if i cross path with that sucker again there is going to be hell to pay.

Cassandra: Why didn't you just hand it over to him, hold on are you saying you recognized the armed robber.

Wade: No i didn't but his voice keeps playing in my head, I'm an ex marine i wasn't going submit just because some loser held a knife to me.

Cassandra: Well that loser would have killed you if i hadn't arrived there on time.

Wade: How many times do i have to thank you for that.

Cassandra: Sorry i didn't mean it that way, wait did you say you were going to find the robber just because you heard his voice please, Wade i know we just met and i know i cant tell you what to do but i don't think that's healthy.

Wade: Exactly dont tell me what to do because i can handle myself perfectly and deal with my own problems.

Cassandra: Sorry for boring you them, hope you get well soon.

Cassandra on that note left the room. Wade felt so bad for his behavior and he wanted to stop her in the hall way and go apologize but she was long gone.
Knock knock.
Come in said Wade adjusting himself on the bed and a young nurse entered the room with a book in her hand.
Wade was kind of expecting it to be Cassandra on the other side of the door so he could apologize.
The nurse said Wade the look on you face tells me you were expecting someone else to walk in this room.
Why do i get this feeling,"O so you psychic or what please lets just do this and be done with it" said Wade.
In a low tone the nurse said no wonder the lady left her almost in tears huh what do you just say nothing said the nurse nothing at all.
Wade actually heard what she said and guilt crept all over him and he couldn't get over the fact that he might never meet her again. Minutes later the nurse was done with IDing  Wade and just step out of the room told him take it easy there Macho with a wink,Wade smiled  and just mildly nodded his head.
He kept thinking of Cassandra and if he was ever going to see her again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2019 ⏰

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