Carnival of Light 2: Home is Where the Glamour Is

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When Adara turned around again, she gasped in shock and delight. In front of her was the biggest cluster of tents she had ever seen. In fact, it was more like a small town. There were enough lights to make them look like compressed skyscrapers. The fireflies flew ahead of her and morphed into several children of various ages. She stood there in shock until two of them grabbed her hands and pulled her through the door of the biggest tent.

"Come with us! Captain Jack is waiting for you!"

Inside it was like it had been set up for a party or a performance. It could  have been either. There were two platforms rimmed with three stairs lined with LED lights. There whimsical chairs and tables with food everywhere, games and flower arrangements that looked like they were made of frosting. It was like Las Vegas or an amusement park on crack. Obviously, this place had been made for the kids and she loved it. She didn't care if it was too good to be true. Adara was about to test one of the bouquets to see if it was indeed frosting, when a low, velvety voice sounded behind her. A hand reached out and held her shoulder gently, and she almost jumped out of her skin.

"Enjoying my party?" Jack's voice said like a purr in her ear. She turned around. It was Rainbow Jack. He was back! She hugged him, then noticed he was dressed fancier than usual.

                    "Wow, you're flashy tonight!"

He wore his rainbow outfit, but this time the pants were rimmed with multicolored lights, as were his feather shoulders. He even wore a light LED cape that floated whenever he moved.

"Welcome home, love."

Adara's eyes widened in mid hug. HOME?

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The next few hours were spent with Jack and the kids playing various games around the room. There were also enough snacks and food to feed an army. Jack even put on a little show for them where he called volunteer children up from the audience. During the show, Adara noticed something out of place. A couple of rats scurried across the immaculate linoleum floor to climb up the toy machine. Her eyes widened in horror to see a child sized cadaver filled with candy lying among the toys. The two rats joined several more chewing on the carcass. Adara almost hurled, then caught herself. She turned around to watch the show, her pupils dilated with shock and her breathing shallow. No one seemed to notice. Cautiously, she turned toward the toy machine again, only to find there was nothing there but the toys. Did she hallucinate it? Was she just tired? Or was something dubious going on? She was having such a good time right now she didn't want to think about the possibilities.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Jack running up to her and tapping her on the shoulder. "TAG! You're IT!" he shrieked, and ran away giggling with a couple of children running after him. Some were having nerf and bubble gun fights, and Adara soon joined in the fun, forgetting about the macabe scene for now.

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