Cheese Whiz and War Council

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"WHAT DO YOU MEAN I HAVE TO BUNK WITH HIM?!" Two gods jumped up off the beds they were sitting on and began yelling and shouting accusations at each other. Percy stared at them blankly, occasionally snorting at their snarky comments(Loki) and desperate pleading(Thor). "Look," The Asgardians shut up when they hear his justifying tone of voice. "I know you two don't get along," he watched as they glared at each other, "but you are both acting like petulant children. There are six bunks in here, so out of the four you can choose from, I'm sure you can have the two that are farthest apart. 

"Besides," Percy continued, "Loki won't want to be with any of the other Avengers, and the only cabins that you might fit into like Nemesis and Hermes might still be sensitive over Ethan and Luke. I'd put Thor into 'Ol Zeusey's place with Steve if I didn't think that my uncle would get too defensive and throw a tantrum at the thought of another Thunder Dude taking over his cabin! So, that leaves the two of you staying with me, because Thor is too similar to Drama Queen and my dad is more tolerant of him than Hades is!" he started shouting at the sky for the last few sentences, and thunder rumbled in warning. 

Loki didn't like being called a child, and so he turned away from Thor and sat down on the plain white and green sheets of a bed, deciding to observe the cabin. Poseidon's cabin was low, long and solid, with all of the windows facing the ocean. There was a lingering smell of salty water and the beach, and the outer walls were a rough gray stone with shards of seashell and coral, giving the illusion of the sea floor. Two banners and a trident symbol embellished the entryway. 

Inside, the walls shone like abalone and a gray sea rock fountain with coral decoration and a fish that spouted water. Golden coins glimmered at the bottom, and there seemed to be a break in the stone, where a large cut seemed to have been repaired. Unknown plants and corals sat upon the window sills. Loki looked up at the ceiling and marveled at the bronze manatee models swimming through the air above the bunks. 

During the walk to the cabin, Loki noticed that there was a path from the back of the cabin to the docks, and it was near the beach. Hammocks, chairs, desks, a life-sized metal trident, scrolls, and more cluttered the otherwise barren walls. A steering wheel, along with a telescope were dumped unceremoniously on an empty bed. Lanterns and lamps on nightstands lit the walls with a slightly beige tint, making plain white appear like shells. Wave patterns were carved into the wood of the bedframes. Percy had moved to the light blue couch by a window to stay in between them. 

"We should get going," Percy said. "The meeting with the head councilors, cohort leaders and Reyna is soon. I've already talked to most of the newer cabins since they have fewer people, and would need to get started quickly, but the major ones still need to get organized." Percy wrinkled his nose and lifted himself off the couch, groaning.

~Tony Stark~

A can of spray cheese sat across from Tony at the table. He glared at it, trying to see it's appeal to these all-powerful(even though they didn't seem to think so) demigods. Surely there must be some use for it if they claimed it was "mandatory" for a war council. Some of them called it a "senior council" or compared it to a senate debate of some sort, but strangely, the ones who related it to the latter all wore purple. 

Chairs seemed to have been brought out for both the Avengers and to represent the cabins leaders that should be attending the meeting, but several were empty. The Hera councilor obviously didn't exist, and neither did Artemis', but the Zeus seat was also empty. Percy sat in a simpler, sea-green chair with a shell design at the top. A girl with eyes like new foliage sat in a wooden one, and a boy with spikes coming off the head of his chair was scowling at her. Tony eyes followed the path of the ring of campers. A boy with short blonde hair and grey eyes doing a complicated math equation, the boys Will and Nico from earlier, who had moved their chairs(or evil villain thrones in the latter's case) closer together, along with Nyssa and Jake from Hephaestus. They hadn't been able to decide who should come, so they were stuck in a similar situation to two identical twin girls who were bickering over a golden chair("I'm better at archery, so I should get the seat, Holly!" "But I'm older than you, Laurel!" "No you're not!" "Yes I am!" "No. You're. Not!" "Yes. I. Am!"). 

A beautiful Asian girl with a face caked in make-up was puckering her lips in a compact mirror and applying lip gloss. A tall, lanky teenager with dark curly hair and blue eyes leaned back in his chair, scribbling down what Tony concluded to be prank ideas from the glint in his eyes. A young man with light hair and violet eyes was tapping his fingers on the table rapidly and kept glancing over at Percy. A buff boy with a buzz-cut and dark eyes and a tattoo of a...was that a rainbow on his arm? 'Weird,' Tony thought. He was currently sticking colored pencils up the nose of a snoring blonde boy and a girl with black hair and green eyes was watching with fascination, also forming some sort of compact ball in her hands. 

Percy walked over to her. "Hey, Lou Ellen?" he asked and waited for her attention. "Did you know that the name 'Lou' is Greek, while the name 'Ellen' means 'torch'? Me and Miranda were talking about it the other day- that is, before I stole and started levitating her nose- Ah, anyway, what did you want? I'm making pig bombs, just in case we need them." Percy just shook his head after her rant and continued. "I was just wondering how much magic it would take to turn all of the enemy demigods into pigs, trick the monsters into fighting their allies, and such. There aren't many people in your cabin, so I wasn't sure how much magic you had on standby and if you would need to leave early to get a jump on it." 

Lou bit her lip and seemed to think for a bit. "That...would probably be for the best. Any and all of the cabins could use more time to prepare, but we do have some of the lowest numbers in camp. I'll give you a progress update by the end of the day. See you later, Percy!" Lou Ellen grinned at him and waved before a thick white mist enveloped her and she vanished. Tony snorted. 'So she's like a female, demigod version of the Cheshire Cat...Great,' he thought sarcastically. 

Percy returned to his seat and grabbed everyone's attention with an extremely eloquent start to the meeting. "Hey!" he called out, "Let's get down to business. Help yourselves to cheese and crackers." He smirked and sat down. The incredibly serious and professional war council had begun.

Okay, so this is unrelated, but I absolutely fell in love with this story when I read it. While there are many mistakes, and it's not completely finished yet, I believe that the story and it's author are amazing. If you're reading this kind of story, or even if you just like HP/HoO crossovers in general, I'd recommend this fanfiction:


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