The "Model" Muslim

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It is, essentially, easy for Muslim men to constantly become the nearest they can be to Islamic perfection within themselves. How is this so? It is because the perfect man has already existed and has set an example for the rest of the male generations to come:

Prophet Muhammad Sallalahu Allaihi Wassalam (ﷺ), peace be upon him.

He is what we Muslimahs should look for in a man, especially in a husband. How much is he like our prophet ﷺ? How much is he willing to bring Islam as the foundation in everything he does as our prophet ﷺ did? Is he going to enable a positive Islamic environment? Your husband's understanding of Islam should be critical to your life goals. It will dictate how he treats everyone around him and how he views the tumultuousness of life. 

It is understandable that no one may be as perfect as the prophet ﷺ had been, but it is his (ﷺ) qualities men in Islam must build themselves up on.

What are these qualities?

—-> Piety

—-> Honesty

—-> Wisdom/Knowledge

—-> Kindness

—-> Modesty

These five attributes, while seeming simple and small, is the base of who our prophet was and what he ﷺ stood for.

1. Piety

——Our RasoolAllah was the most loving of Islam. He understood that Allah came first in all cases and Muslim men need to apply this to their daily life, whether they aspire to be an architect, a CEO, or an Islamic scholar. Because without Allah in one's understanding in love and life, it is easy to break apart when things go wrong or surmount to emptiness.

2. Honesty

——The Prophet ﷺ was renowned for his honesty. Even his enemies said he "did not have the face of a liar." To lie is a great sin, and Islam does not condone lying. Our Prophet (ﷺ) said all kinds of men were capable of being Muslims except for liars. Honesty IS the best policy, and our Prophet (ﷺ)'s words for this particular characteristic shows how much honesty is worth to Allah. So be the man who emulates honesty in everything you do.

3. Wisdom/Knowledge

——Our Prophet ﷺ was the man for answers. People came to him for answers about Islam when disputes arose. You don't have to be a scholar to know everything about Islam—or want to in many cases. As Muslims, things like knowing halaal from haraam, and practicing and helping others understand it, is enough. Maybe not in-depth as scholars do, but enough so you can support yourself in this life Islamically. To be wise also means knowing when you don not know something and being open to go out of your way to seek it from scholars.

4. Kindness

——Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was kind to everyone. Especially to his wives (as all but one of them were social outcasts in Arab culture for being widows and single mothers). He ﷺ stressed kindness, in particular, to one's mother, for nothing we could do in this world can amount to the pain they went through raising us. The prophet Muhammad ﷺ kindness extended to more than just politeness or being considerate of others. It also meant being able to forgive someone, not holding grudges, and working to make peace with one another.

5. Modesty

——Our Rasoollulah wore plain clothes and did not socialize with women beyond normalcy. He ﷺ did not wear silk or gold (which is forbidden to men in Islam), or rich clothing, or jewelry (except an agate ring). Men aren't expected to be adorned as this is something encouraged for women. Our prophet ﷺ was said to have a handsome face and good body physique. However, this is minuscule to his ﷺ legacy and compliments in character. 

Do not compare yourselves with our Prophet , do not call yourself a living example of him-- simply strive to be like him  with humility.

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