Randomonos! (P.S. IM ALIIIIIVE!!!)

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Yay! New update! Miraculously it was in unquickly posted! Wait no! That's wrong that's a common occurrence!

So right off the bat defying the title (I don't think this is very random), I have a colored pencil drawing! Sooo this is my first attempt at an alien character

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So right off the bat defying the title (I don't think this is very random), I have a colored pencil drawing! Sooo this is my first attempt at an alien character. His name is Zal Xan (Zol Shane), but most just call him Zal. He is an intergalactic bounty hunter, who is known as the Blue Bounty Hunter, because of his glowing blue scales, horns, and the fact that his bandana and a lot of his equipment I imagine to be blue. I'll draw his partners soon as well, so I can show you all who they are, but I'm not gonna spoil anything right now! Couple things I wish I did differently are the eyes, the neck, and the chin, othherwise I really actually quite love it!

Ok now it's starting to get random! So I know you may be wondering, Dancingstars12 what exactly are trying to accomplish here, and my answer is to get an idea onto paper! So I had this idea, for some art with an owl mask, but then I had an idea fo...

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Ok now it's starting to get random! So I know you may be wondering, Dancingstars12 what exactly are trying to accomplish here, and my answer is to get an idea onto paper! So I had this idea, for some art with an owl mask, but then I had an idea for another mask, so I kinda evolved from there. Then I got this idea for a story in a fantasy setting where it's modern and fantasy combined and there is this secret organization defying the government or something, and every time they go out on a job they wear a mask to define who they are. And I imagine the amount of gems is a ranking thing, so I probably should have put multiple gems in a couple, but that was a recent idea after drew this! Also I sketched this out in a hard-led blue prisma color pencil in case you were wondering, because it's something I've really started to do lately.

 And I imagine the amount of gems is a ranking thing, so I probably should have put multiple gems in a couple, but that was a recent idea after drew this! Also I sketched this out in a hard-led blue prisma color pencil in case you were wondering, ...

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Ok, so I have two pictures of this acrylic sunflower I painted at a local art place hung, where you can go and sit down and take a canvas or wood or a statue and paint it! So obviously I painted a canvas, and this is my finished version

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Ok, so I have two pictures of this acrylic sunflower I painted at a local art place hung, where you can go and sit down and take a canvas or wood or a statue and paint it! So obviously I painted a canvas, and this is my finished version. I actually really like it, especially when the paint was still wet because it was shiny, so I might have to add a gloss coat or something... So I did the background as randomly, and didn't realize till later hat it looked like the northern lights, so I really really like that effect!

 So I did the background as randomly, and didn't realize till later hat it looked like the northern lights, so I really really like that effect!

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Aaaand here are a couple peeks into my sketchbook which I've barely filled out (It's huge!)

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Aaaand here are a couple peeks into my sketchbook which I've barely filled out (It's huge!). Anywho in the second pic I drew out some sketches on a piece of paper, but I didn't throw it away or anything soo I cut out all the pictures and stapled them in... Aaaand you might be wondering what I sketched in and I will tell you.... are you ready? ....hard leaded prisma-colored pencils.... Yep I know shocker! (Hint: That sentence was filled with a dosage of 10 hippopautumi sarcasm, meaning very sarcastic...)

Anywho! Sorry for the short update, but next update there will be more, aaaaand finally watercolor! (Because that's all I have pictures of as art...) Anywho hope ya appreciated me finally updating! Byeee!

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