Todoroki Shoto

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You wandered through the halls of the stadium, looking down each and every hallway. Shoto had to be somewhere, he wasn't with the class, he wasn't with All Might, he wasn't even in Recovery Girl's room. Hearing the distant sounds of yelling, you decide to investigate. As you got closer, the angry words became legible.

"-brat! You would've won if you'd just use your fire!" Your stomach dropped, you'd found more Todorokis then you'd bargained for. "You used it for that green kid, so why not to win!" You pressed your back against the wall and peaked around the corner. There stood Shoto,  looking completely done with his old man, and Endeavour leaning towards him, getting right into his face. "I should replace you with that y/n kid! At least then he wouldn't be wasted potential!"

"Y/n would not listen to you, old man," Shoto said defiantly, Endeavour growled and seized Shoto's shoulders. With a sudden rush of adrenaline, you jump out from your hiding spot.

"Hey!" both of the Todorokis freeze and their heads snap towards you.

"What do you want, kid?" Endeavour growled, you started walking towards them.

"Let go of Shoto!" you stopped around two metres away from them and crossed your arms. "We have to go back to class,"

"He's my  son, child, it's none of your business,"

"If this is how you treat him, this is definitely my business," you spit back, "I'm not naive, every hero has a unseen side, Endeavour," moving forwards you grab his wrist and pull one hand off of Shoto, though you got some resistance with the other, you narrow your eyes at him.

"Y/n, you don't have to do this," Shoto placed his free hand on your shoulder, "This is my problem and I don't want you involved,"

"Shoto, please," You look at him the pleading eyes and he suddenly looks uncertain, Endeavour's breathing grew heavier as Shoto slowly closes his eyes and nods. You grin, turning around to look back at Endeavour. He did not  look happy.

"What is your relationship with my son, y/n?" his accusatory tone edged through every word, his flames seemingly growing angrier.

In a snap decision you decide to put him in his place, you'll get in trouble, but even just the personal satisfaction would be worth it. You threw up some flames near his face with your free hand, the shock reaction made the man loosen his grip on Shoto, who you quickly pulled back behind you as you put some distance between yourselves.

"Y/n, lets go, he's not worth the fight," Shoto spoke lowly, "No matter how powerful your natural flames are, he's outclassed us in many ways," Everything he said made perfect sense, but you didn't move. Shoto gently grabbed your bicep and slowly pulled at your arm. Finally, you give in, falling into step beside Shoto as his father slowly came to terms with the fact he'd just been thoroughly bamboozled.

You walked down the halls in silence for a minute, Shoto's hand still remained on your arm, slowly making his way down until he was barely touching your forearm. A small rush runs through you when he eventually, ever-so-slowly, gets to your hand and laces his fingers with yours, your palms flush against each other. Glancing up at Shoto, he's looking away slightly with the slightest redness to his cheeks.

"You know, you're always welcome in my home, Shoto," you say a small smile coming to your lips, he turns his head slightly towards you, gazing at you. "Come round tonight, get some time away from your old man, I'll, uh, cook for us," your offer comes out slightly rushed, though not any less sincere.

"I might just accept," Shoto's answer was brief, but made you smile wider all the same.

A/N: I might actually make this into an actual, separate fic idk keep a lookout I guess

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