Bakugou Katsuki

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"C'mon y/n, breathe in..." you followed Kirishima's instructions "And out... There we go, keep going!" he smiles softly, "I know Bakugou can be scary, but I also know that you're a very competent hero! You won against Todoroki, and he's one of the most powerful in our class," he placed a hand on your shoulder, smiling softly.

"But he's just so aggressive, and Todoroki didn't use his fire side with me, I would have been decimated if he did!" you place your head on the table, running your hands aggressively through your hair. 

The door slammed open, making you flinch aggressively, turning around you see Deku in a panic.

"Y/n! You're up, now!" you felt the adrenaline rush through you like a cruel avalanche of fear. Kirishima stood, grabbed your shoulder and pulled you up, dragging you out the door. As you approached the light of the arena, Kirishima yells:

"I believe in you y/n!" in a second he and Deku had split off to the stands. You burst out into the sunlight of the arena, eyes adjusting quickly you saw Bakugou at the other end, even from the other side of the arena you could see him physically shaking with rage.

"Just in time!" Present Mic announced, "Y/n l/n, quirk: white-hot flames!" the pro-hero introduced, you couldn't look away from Bakugou, he looked way too eager. Enthusiasm is good, but his pure drive for the top and nothing else bordered on an obsession, in a way you found it both annoying and endearing. "Get ready!" Mic's words made you sake your head, moving into a basic fighting stance, you couldn't get distracted. Taking a deep breath you stared him down, preparing yourself for the noise of his quirk. "GO!"

As soon as the command registered, you ran, sprinting forward directly at the blond. He held up his palm to direct a blast straight to your face. Time felt like it slowed as you ducked down and slid underneath him, rolled and stood back up in one smooth movement. Flames wrapped around your arms as your blinding white flames completely smothered Bakugou, darting forwards you grip the hard muscle of his arm and used his momentum to throw him over your shoulders towards the edge of the arena. Though he went pretty far it didn't take long for him to recover, immediately launching himself back at you.

With a terrifying rush you realise that the only way this was going to end was with one of you unconscious on their way to Recovery Girl, and it seemed that most of the spectators realised this too.

In a moment of teenage rebellion, you made up your mind to make sure you do exactly the opposite. 

You're quick to sidestep Bakugou's charge, acting on instinct and landing a hard roundhouse to his jaw. He grabbed your foot on the way down and, with an explosive charge, launched you across the arena. 

A shock of pain spiked through your shoulder and your vision danced. You were faced away from the blond and the white outline of the arena. With a stifled groan you pushed yourself up, getting to your feet quickly and putting as much space as possible between yourself and the border. Bakugou's angry yelling got too close and you finally turned up the heat, throwing forwards a full power wall of flames.

To you the rest is a blur of fire, deafening explosions and fighting. By the five minute mark you were both screaming bloody murder at each other, yours mainly brought on by your impending heat limit and growing frustration at Bakugou's stubborn resistance. 

Finally, finally, you both gave in, heat stroke had taken over and Bakugou's pain threshold was finally reached. All at once, you both collapsed.

Your head hammered, your stomach churned, you felt like complete dogshit. You were still in recovery girl's room with Bakugou still asleep in the cot next to you, his burns were healed, with only a small, minor scar on his chest. He looked so peaceful asleep, he wasn't yelling at people or scowling. It wasn't rare for Bakugou to look good, and it must've been the heatstroke clouding your thoughts, but you found yourself staring at him on multiple occasions. Recovery Girl had assured you multiple times that he won't be out for more then a few hours, it didn't completely remove your worries but it helped a bit.

"Hey, watcha' starin at, Crispy?" You jolted when Bakugou talked sharply, then imminently burst out laughing.

"Crispy? Crispy? That's the best you could come up with?" you snorted "Mate, you're the one that should be called Crispy!"

"Shut the hell up! You set the whole arena on fire!" he sat up way too quickly and grunted, placing a hand over his burn scar. "What the fuck did you do to me?"

"Dude it ain't that bad," you smirk at the blond, about to add another comment when All Might suddenly appeared in the doorway.

"Boys! That was a brilliant battle!" he started, "I'd hate to rush but I must bring you back to the arena, just in time for the ending ceremony!"

"Wait! Who won?!" you and Bakugou synchronise perfectly, earning a hearty laugh from All Might.

"Both of you, of course!" Recovery Girl helped the two of you out of the cots, you followed All Might back to the arena. "You both fell at the same time, it was impossible to tell!"

You and Bakugou looked at each other, sharing a look of complete disbelief. Though Bakugou looked a lot more shaken, maybe the revelation that someone was literally his equal had shattered his world view. He was quiet until the arena.

The crowd was roaring, calling out at All Might and cheering.

During the ceremony where All Might was presenting 3rd and 2nd with their prizes, Bakugou subtle leaned over to you and talked quietly.

"I enjoyed our fight y/n," he said.

"So did I, we'd make good training partners," you commented, his eyebrows raised ever-so-slightly.

"Oh yeah, Crispy?" you nodded and he grinned, "Then you have no choice now, we're partners,"

A smile pulled at your lips "I'm fine with that,"

BNHA x Male ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora