“Hai, it’s me. This is my number, don’t forget to save it.”

I smiled and reply the text.

“I will. I’m having a meeting now, but let’s have lunch together, get ready at 11, driver will come to pick you up.”


I press add to contact button and create a new contact, name…what should I write, oh I know.

Name : Wifey


“Someone just got a message from the wife”

Uncle Samporn tease me. I put my phone back to my pocket and smiled.

“Ah…newly wedd couple…I’m sorry you have to cut short your honeymoon. Let’s have a dinner together sometimes.”

“Of course uncle. But now, let’s start our meeting about the Miss Thailand 2019 project.”



Pete is getting bolder and bolder everyday. What? Cook it with love?

Huff…I think my face turn red.


I got a message on my phone. It’s Kia!

“How are you baby brother? Dad didn’t text me or call me, I guess what ever your plan is working.”


“I’m good, how are you? About the plan, I have something to tell you. When are you coming back?”


“What happened? We are planning to go back the day after tomorrow. Let’s meet up, I will text you again tomorrow. Miss you.”


“Miss you too sis. Take care.”

Kia is coming back, I need to tell her about everything because someday this secret will be uncovered and I don’t want to hurt anyone except me.


So Pete still working until dawn, I fall asleep already and when I woke up he is gone. But I saw a little note on his pillow.

“Good morning sleepy head, I’m going to work early today, but let’s have lunch together. Call me or text me, because I don’t have your phone number yet.



I looked at the clock it’s 8 in the morning. I guess he’s having an important meeting about yesterday project.

I pick up my phone, I’m going to save Pete’s number on my phone.

Suddenly I heard a knock on my door.

“Who is it?”

“It’s me, your father”

Oh my God, father is coming to check on Kia! What should I do???

“Kia? Can I come in?”

“Eer...Yes father”

I hide under the blanket and I only showed my head on the pillow.

“Are you still asleep?”

“Hmn…” I nodded my head.

“You must be tired from the honeymoon. Kia, I just want to say a few things, don’t be mad at Pete because he has to come back for work, ok? You know a man has to do what he has to do. You are his wife now, you have to stay by his side and support him, that is what a wife for. Love and support.”

I smiled and nodded my head. I'm surprise father can say things like this, I think he really care for Pete.

“Ok, you get some more rest. I will ask butler Tei to bring breakfast to your room.”

“Thanks’ father”

He smiled at me and walked to the door, before he walk out the room he looked at me again and said “Thank you Kia”

After he closed the door, I was relieve. Luckily Kia has a deep voice too, so it’s not that hard to copy.

Pete’s mom and dad are travelling to China, so I only have to deal with my father in the house.

After I took a shower, butler Tei is already prepare my breakfast on the table.

While I’m having my breakfast, I remember Pete asked me to call him or text him. So I think I will choose to text him.

“Hi, it’s me Kao…”

Oh I almost type my real identity! delete delete delete…

“Hi, It’s me Kia…”

No, I’m not Kia, I don’t feel right to write Kia's name.

“Hai, it’s me. This is my number, don’t forget to save it.”


I hope he knew it was me.


“I will. I’m having a meeting now, but let’s have lunch together, get ready at 11, driver will come to pick you up.”

I smiled and continue to eat my breakfast.


11 a.m

The driver pick me up and drive me to AMG Central Mall. The driver drop me off at the lobby and told me Pete will be waiting for me in Chinese restaurant at the upper ground level.

“Hai, am I late?” I asked, because I saw he already order a glass of tea and appetizer.

“No, no you’re not late. I’m just hungry, I didn’t have breakfast in the morning”

“Oh, ok” I looked at Pete, wearing a well-fitted blue suit with inner white shirt he look so sharp!

I swallow my saliva, and I can’t stop looking at him.

“What’s wrong? Did I make my shirt dirty?”

Pete looked down and check on his shirt and suit.

“Oh, nothing, I though I saw something on your suit.”

I tried so hard not to look at Pete so much when we eat, because I know I will not take my eyes off of him in that suit.

A man in suit is my weakness. Especially when that man is Pete.

So after we finish our lunch Pete bought me ice cream, and we walked around the mall. But after a while he said he need to head back to the office, because he still have some work to do.

We said goodbye at the lobby, he gets in to the car that drive him to his office, and I went in to the car that drive me back to Rachawat residence.


I got a message on my phone. When I open the message I almost chocked on my ice cream.

[Gun Atthaphan]
“Are you in Bangkok right now? I just saw someone look like you in AMG Central Mall”

💕Special double chapter in 1 day to celebrate #HappyPolca1stYear

Blue Heart 💙 Pete KaoNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ