Trip to the Mist

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Naruto had packed up everything they would need for the trip to Kiri, leaving several clones to tend to the other needs and such Mei, Ruto and himself were ready to go see Yagura.

Shizune, Anko the babies, Kin Kushina, Minato and Tusnade were their too see them off.

"Have fun guys and well see you when you get back," Minato said.

Kushina came up to hug both Naruto and Mei kissing Ruto, "be safe and take care darlings".

Kin came up and hugged them as this would be the first time she would be separate from Naruto since he adopted her and she was nervous.

"Don't worry so much, we'll be back soon ok!" Naruto said to his babygirl who nodded kissing his cheek.

"I love you Daddy, Momma Mei bye!" she said.

The couple smiled kissing her before Naruto put her back down making their way out heading to Kiri.


Kiri was in an uproar as their 'royal family' was coming to visit, even though Yagura didn't order it, he didn't stop it either with all that had happened in the last year, the village had never been better and it was thanks to the traveler from another dimension.

The guards stood at the front gates when they saw two familiar people coming through the mist, their eyes wiedened when they saw Mei and Naruto with Mei holding her new born baby.

"Mei-sama, Naruto-sama. Welcome back your just in time for the celebration!" one said.

They were shocked, "what celebration?" Mei asked.

"The birth of your son and your visit to Kiri," the other said to her.

She nodded and the two were granted passage, and headed inside.

The minute they entered the populace saw them and began cheering as they came up to them to see the baby boy.

Ruto who had become more comfortable around people looked around gave a smile and small coo's making the females blush at the sweet little boy.

The couple smiled and waved at the as they continued on their way to the tower.

After being let in they headed up the stairs, Naruto knocked on the door.

It opened up to see Yagura sitting their looking at them with warm eyes and a smile.

"Hello you two," he said getting up.

Mei walked over smiling, as she hugged her half brother.

"Hello Yagura," she said.

After breaking he looked at the baby in her arms and smiled at him. At first Ruto didn't know what to make of this new person but his face held no malice so he smiled back as Mei handed him off to his Uncle.

The couple sat, on the couch watching Yagura talk to the baby as he babbled and coo'd like they were holding a conversation.

Mei smiled leaning into her husband as he wrapped an arm around her shoulder kissing her head. Ruto was laughing and having the time of his life with his funny looking uncle. Yagura suggested they go out and see the sites for a bit while he spent time with his nephew, they nodded and agreed and left.

Hand in hand they walked greeting the populace and window shopping, smiling and talking, it was a lovely time.

As the rounded a corner they heard a scream in the same direction and their shinobi sides kicked in and they raced ahead to see what was happening.

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