Chapter Seven ~ Kacey

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I walk into the motel room I slept in and plop down on the cot. "Boys, there is something I have to tell you guys," I state. "Okay tell us then," Says Grayson. So I tell them everything I know.

"Wait, so Teagan is the boss of us?"Cannon counters. "Yes, and it makes sense because she is the first known person to even have Recs," I say. I told them last night about teagan.

Rylee knocks on the door and hollers for me to come out. "I'll be right back guys," I mumble. I open the door and come out. "I think you broke my girlfriend," Rylee groans. "She is having a mental break down, she never acts like this. You know how strong and tough she is," I look at Rylee "You're right, that's not like her," I say "Should I go talk to her?" I ask. "Yes, please," Rylee begs.

I walk down the hall of this one floor motel and into the half open door to Teagans room. "Hey Squirt," I say as she lays on the bed. I go and lay down next to her. "Hi" She moans. "What's wrong?" I ask. I playfully give her a soft punch on her side to try to cheer her up.

"Did my mother even ask where I was? And did my Father even care?" She cries. "I'm so sorry Squirt," I apologize. "It's not your fault that I have a family that despises me," She counters. "That's not true. They are not your family, family cares about you. Kind of like I care about you," I say trying to make her feel better.

"It was the same boat for me except my parents were on drugs and drunk when they did it, but I ran away. I think we are the real family here."

She looks over at me. Tears filled her eyes and she hugs me. I hug her and hold her until she stops crying. "You're like an older sister to me, you know that right?" She questions me. "Yes Squirt, and you are my little sister," I laughed. "Now let's find the others and get out of here," We grab Teagan and Rylee's stuff and go back to my room.

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