I was just looking at the ceiling thinking about basically anything I had done wrong in the past 2 years and all the sudden I got one of my reoccurring flashbacks.


I was staring at the ceiling in my small room with my ankles cuffed to the edge of the bed. I stared at the ceiling trying to remember. Trying to remember anything at all. I could only remember feelings. Feelings, I used to have with people. People I couldn't remember.

" Hello Twelve." A woman said walking into my room with a plate of food. A peanut butter and jelly sandwich with chips on the side.

I sat up to eat it. I wasn't really hungry so I kind of just stared at it.

"Do you have a family?" I asked the woman.


"Family." I repeated.

"Well everyone does."

"Wh-wheres mine?" I asked innocently.

She just stared at me and then glanced at the camera in my room.

"Well.. Umm.." She cleared her throat. "Well we are." She lied.

"Do-Do I have a mother?" I asked and she just looked at me not saying anything. "Father?" My voice cracked and she still said nothing. Tears fell from my eyes and I just started eating my sandwich.

"Once you're done eating, we are going to take you to Dr. Brenner to run a few tests. Okay?"

"Okay." I whispered.


Will came in my room. I jumped seeing him as I saw him dead in the UpsideDown for just a second.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah why?" I replied letting out a sigh as a felt my heart beat increase.

"You're veins are glowing." He replied and pointed.

"Oh.. I-I was just thinking." I said breaking eye contact.

"What are you thinking about?"He asked.

"Were things always like this?" I asked.

"Like what?"

"Well.. mom obviously sent you in here to check on me. I appreciate her giving me space but. Why are things always like this with me and mom?" I asked still feeling bad For the stressed I caused her.

"Umm.. well maybe not exactly like this. Before you just kinda stayed in your room all day or went to Nancy's. I just don't think mom has adjusted to you wanting to be out of the house so much. And especially if she doesn't know where you are all the times after what happened."

"Well yeah but... I-I I don't know." I said and just kept staring at the ceiling.

"You've seemed happier." He shrugged and smiled.


"You just.. I don't know, you seem happier." He shrugged again. "Once you came home you were almost never happy. You smile more."

I grinned. "Thank you."

"Is it because of Billy?" He asked.

I looked back at the ceiling uncontrollably smiling. "Maybe." I whispered.

"Well.. Max said he's happier too. Maybe you guys are just.. right for each other." He shrugged once again.

"Yeah, I guess we are." I said quietly. "So how are you?" I asked.

"I'm fine." He fake smiled sitting on his bed.

"What's up?" I asked with curiosity. He seemed sad.

"Oh it's nothing." He tried to shrug it off.

"No really Will, what's going on?"

"It's noting, just didn't really do anything fun today. I'm fine." He said.

"What did you do?"

"Went to the mall.. umm I kinda 5th wheeled. It's just not the same. They want to include me with things so I don't feel left out but they do couple things while I'm kinda just in the corner."

"I'm sorry." I frowned.

"It's okay."

"Nancy did that to me. I came back with no memories but she refused to let me be by myself. But she was dating Steve the Hair Harrington so she would invite me on some of their dates. And.. it was the most awkward thing. They have good intentions. I know it seems like they feel bad for you and they pity you, but they really just care about you and don't want you to be alone. They care about you I promise." I smiled and he half smiled back.

"Thanks." He said looking at the ground.

And all the sudden my surroundings glitched. Not into the UpsideDown but into some barn. Dust around me started floating and rats ran past me. But then I went back to reality.

"Y-you Okay?" He asked worried.

"I- yeah.. yeah I'm fine." I coughed. "I have to go. I'll be back."

"Quinn!" He yelled.


"Moms gonna flip. You can't."

"I- yeah.. yeah yeah okay. Yeah you're right. I shouldn't.. I shouldn't. It's nothing it's really nothing. Okay." I tried calming myself down.

"You should probably talk to her." Will suggested.

"Yeah I know." I sighed. "Okay." I looked up at the door and sighed. "Yeah okay,  you're right." I said and walked out to talk to mom.

Recent update: y'all these chapters just ain't it. Idk why.. maybe it's just me, maybe you guys like it and I'm too critical on myself but this is just ehhhh🥴🥴🥴

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