Chapter 2 - Sakura Park

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The next day, I woke up early and went downstairs, to eat breakfast prepared. I ate some waffles with fresh wild blueberries growing around the forest. And on top of that, is pure wild honey as a syrup. And of course, the only thing that would always complete my breakfast was a glass of milk. While eating, my mom recognized me eating too fast.

"Harith! Don't be in such a hurry! Finish it slowly! You might get hiccups or something." She said.

"Okay, mom," I replied while eating the rest of my food at a normal speed.

"Why are you in such a hurry today? It's Saturday, so you don't have to go to magic school today." She asked me curiosity.

"Mom, I have to visit a friend today." Replied.

"Is it Nana? Is she still your best friend? Or are you developing a crush on her?" She asked again.

I suddenly blushed, shocked at what she had said.

"Mom! Stop it. You're embarrassing me! I don't have a crush on her. I told you, I don't plan to have a girlfriend. The only plans in life I have are:

Firstly, to be able to study at the Royal and Magical University of Moniya, and graduate there. Second is to build a house for us. And live happily unmarried." I explained.

"My boy is finally growing up. Okay. Enjoy your time with Nana!" She said.

"Yes mom, I will!" I said as I went out of the house.

I used Chrono dash, The first spell I learned after learning basic attack, to reach Nana's house faster. On the way, I picked up wild fruits growing from the virgin forests around the place. When I reached her house, I knocked on the door and Nana came out.

"Hi, do you want to join me on a picnic in the sakura gardens today?" I asked her.

"Wait, let me ask my dad first." She said and came back with her dad. He saw the basket filled with bread, fruits, and glasses. And gave a bottle to us.

"Take this, It's Soju, a Korean wine, something like Saké. Lady Kagura gave this to me last month. Since you are going to date in the sakura gardens." He said.

"Dad, stop embarrassing me!" Nana said.

"Thank you for the drink sir" I replied, and we went to the sakura gardens.

We found a spot under the cherry blossom tree and laid a blanket there.


"Do you admire the cherry blossoms as I do?" I asked Harith.

"I do. This place brings back a lot of memories of us. And the sakura trees make me feel very peaceful. Now, shall we start this meal?" He asked me.

"Why, yes. Let's start drinking that Soju my dad brought us."
I replied.

He nodded and took two small glasses and took the bottle. He poured in mine before his.

"How generous of you!" I told him giggling. He blushed and replied.

"Just an act of kindness for my best friend."

We admired the petals dancing in the wind as we enjoy drinking our Soju.


The cool breezes blow against us, bringing some petals towards us. She looks cute when the pale, pink petals blend with her magenta-colored hair.

"You know Harith, I love spending my time with you."

She said while resting her head on my shoulder.

"Because you're the only friend I have. You know, sometimes I feel envious about you because your grandfather is the chief if the village, and because of that, you have a lot of friends."

"Yes, Nana, I will always spend my time with you. Because you are my best friend." And after these words were spoken, she fell asleep on my shoulder.

"Wow, you must be tired!" I said while I packed up the food to be eaten later when she was up. And when I went to the bottle, I've noticed that she finished half of it! And I only took one shot.

"Nana! You have so much alcohol in your system! Probably from now on, I might call you Soju Girl."

After packing. I rushed back home using chrono dash to take some pillows and quickly returned to the park after ten seconds. I placed a pillow on her head, and suddenly, I felt sleepy, so I decided to sleep right next to her.

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