The Trap

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'She's flayed, the mind flayer captured her and lead u to here'

'Jesus I knew Cyd was evil just not this evil' Ryan says

'Shup Ryan' They all say

Skye is next to cydney trying to bring her back


A cage falls down and captures Skye and Cydney

'What nooo' Skye screams, getting claustrophobic

'Skye it'll be fine, I'm here for u' Caitlin says

'The only way to free them is with my remote!' Dr brenner cackles

'Get himmm!!' Ryan shouts

Ellie, Ryan, Madz, and Ryleigh chase after Dr brenner while everyone else stays with skye

'You won't save them' Dr brenner chuckles

They r running across a bridge but bellow them is pH 1 acid, the most dangerous kind.

The bridge breaks as too many people r on it.

Dr brenner jumps, his hands catch the non broken part of the bridge.

Ellie activates her helicopter hair powers and saves Ryan and Madz, Madz tries to save Ryleigh But he slips and falls into the acid. Madz laser dildo, that she forgot she brang, fell into the acid too.

Dr brenner slips and falls in too but he pressed the button on his remote just before he fell in.

Skye and Cydney start to get pulled up.

'We will save u skyeeee' They all shout

To be continued...

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