Ch 12 - A Musical Interlude

Start from the beginning

Once they arrived he helped her down from the carriage and she tucked her hand into the crook of his arm willing herself to stay strong, she had to protect her heart from a day like yesterday. But he pulled her close and despite her best intentions her heart tripped.

Unfortunately they were slightly tardy which meant they did not get the chance to mingle properly, most people had already entered the hall and sat down. Lady Edith had been hovering, awaiting their arrival - she greeted them warmly and led them straight to their seats.

Not just any seats, these were the best in the house. Relief filled her that they had been able to come, it would have been a terrible insult to Lady Edith if they had not been here.

Henry realised this too, for as they sat down he leant down and murmured in her ear, "Thank you for your diligence my dear, without it we would have upset a great establishment."

His breath tickled her neck, causing her to quake. "Do you frequent La Maison de la Musique then? I do not recall seeing you." She pretended the tremble didn't occur.

"I have not been here often, but it is a place I respect. It has a good reputation." Her hair moved against his lips and she swallowed dryly. She wondered how she would keep her countenance if he continued whispering in her ear, but then the musicians filed into their seats and did their final warm up. He sat up, moving away from her jellified body. She slumped in relief, it was hard to resist him when he was that close but she had no desire to fall all over him only to be rebuffed yet again.

Once the music started in earnest, she lost herself to its beauty. Gladly forgetting everything around her, she was taken to the heavens as the melodies carried her away from the hall, the crowds, even Henry. She loved musical performances - music spoke to a place deep within her, swirling with her spirit and bringing her to a place of utter bliss.

Bach's joyful movements were followed by the haunting ones that brought tears to her eyes. She closed them, shutting out everything but the notes sliding into her soul. Peace came to her as each strain soothed away all else but what she was hearing - absorbed into another world, transported by violins, oboes trumpets and horns.

The piano, her favourite instrument, enthralled her even more. She watched the fingers dancing over the keyboard and wished she had been able to bring her piano from home. It was the only thing from there that brought her true joy. She had not found a piano at Amblethorpe or Foxleigh House, just a clavichord, which was not equal at all. In fact the whole music room was pretty poor.

When the last concerto of the first half played its final note she luxuriated in the moment of silence before the applause and general chatter began. The first clap brought her back to Earth with a start and she found herself sitting forward, eyes closed and leaning towards the orchestra. Hurriedly, she sat back and furtively looked about to see who noticed her lapse. As her eyes met her husband's reverent gaze, she saw that he had.

"You love music," he murmured with new revelation. She realised that in all their courtship, he had not taken her to a performance. She nodded, breathing deeply to savour the harmony in her spirit.

"I do."

He leant into her, daringly brushing a tendril of hair by her ear a sending shivers down her spine. "Then I suspect I shall become a more regular patron, for watching you was..." he brushed a kiss to her temple, causing a gasp behind them. Seriously, would they ever go out as husband and wife and not make that happen? "... enchanting." He bestowed another light kiss and then stood to escort her out.

They were met with a throng of people milling in the hall, waiting to be called through to dinner.

"Amberly," a gentleman hailed loudly and made his way over. Rosannah recognised him as the Marquis of Sophia's yearnings.

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