Hunt on Kashyyyk: Burohanaa Village

Start from the beginning

"Where is Consult Shan and Caleb, Master Yoda?" Nahzalem asked him as Yoda climbed onto the chair. "Explain to you later, I will. Now, silence is needed."


"I still don't see why everyone else got to go in and we didn't!" Dume whined. Shan let a puff of air through her nose. 

"You are still on this?" she asked as she moved to assist a trooper with a crate. She stuck her fingers under the one side and lifted it.

"Yes I am!" he replied indignantly. Shan moved carefully towards the edge of the LAAT. She took a tentative step down onto the landing platform.

"How much do... you know... about... the Wookiees?" she asked him through gritted teeth. It was a little heavier than she expected. Ok, a lot heavier. But she wasn't going to let Sergeant Marsh know that. So she sucked up the soreness in her fingers and the tension in her shoulders and toughed it out.

"They're big, hairy, and have bad tempers." Dume replied matter-of-factly. Shan mustered up a little more strength to raise the crate up slightly to put it on top of the others. It landed cleanly and the two of them slid it into place.

"Thank you consult." Marsh said. "Anytime." she replied, rubbing her tender fingers.

"See, that is why you can't judge things at first glance Caleb." Shan stretched out her arm muscles. "The Wookiees don't like humans. Well, they don't like outsiders at all really, but they especially despise people like us." she explained.

"Why? I didn't do anything to them." he countered, throwing his arms into the air.

"You're right. You and I didn't do anything. However, the Wookiees have been brutalized for millennia. They have been enslaved more times than I can count, all by offworlders. Why should they trust us?" Shan asked him. Dume made a face.

"I didn't know that." he muttered. "There are reasons why people do what they do Caleb. It's deeper than the surface. If someone believes something is wrong, if they are scared or untrustful, if they feel a certain way about something, there is a reason." she explained.

"Now go help Lieutenant Ersh finish up." Dume gave her a defiant look. "Go!" she said, pointing towards the clone that was setting up a portable comms tower. He muttered under his breath as he stalked away.

"Kids." Marsh said, shaking his head. Shan chuckled. "It's not his fault. He's at that age where you think you know everything, thus causing irritability and general grumpiness when told what to do."

"Sounds like General Skywalker." Sahrea snorted out her nose, causing both to have a long bout of laughter.

"What's so funny?" Nahzalem's voice came from behind them. Far behind her, Yoda, Chewbacca, Gungi, and Tarfful were strolling along, chatting. 

"Nothing Ura. How was the meeting?" Shan asked. "It was... enlightening." she replied slowly. "You had no idea what was going on did you?" "Nope, not a clue." Ura admitted. Shan gave the youngling a smile. She leaned down beside her.

"Between you and me, I can never pay attention in senate meetings either." she shared. The girl chuckled as Master Yoda and the others joined them. She composed herself as she noticed the Grandmaster. He was serious.

"Prepare yourself, you must, consult and Younglings, for into the Shadowlands, we are headed."


"I have a bad feeling about this." Dume said as they lowered down into the Shadowlands via rope and pulley.

The basket they were in was worn, but still solid.  As they descended, it got darker and darker, the air cooling significantly. By the time they reached the floor, it was like night, even though the morning had just begun in the village.

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