Chapter 8: Everyday

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The school bell rings and I can finally walk out of this place and just sleep. Sleep sounds really good right now.
I get to my car and open the door, only for it to be shut by someone else. Billy of course. I turn around to face him and expecting a bit of distance between us but he's just right up in my bubble with that stupid but sadly cute smile.
"What is it now, Billy?" I ask with playful annoyance.
"You wanna grab dinner with me or something?" He asks while throwing his cigarette on the floor. I look in his eyes, get nervous then laugh as I turn my head away from him.
"As flattering as that offer is," I say as I touch his chest and push him away. "I can't. I already have a date with my bed." I joke and go to open my car door again but is closed again with Billy's foot. I turn around to him again and smile.
"Cancel your bed date. I'm much more entertaining." He says with his classic raspy tone. I roll my eyes and think for a second. If I say yes, I could just be one of his little Side Bunnies. But if I say no, then I'll never really know.
"Fine. But just so we're clear, this isn't a date." I scold.
"Okay." He says with a smirk.
"I'm serious, Hargrove. This isn't a date."
"Okay." He says softly. I give him a warning look and he laughs. "Alright Alright. It's not a date." He says and I smile.
"Not a date!" I say one last time before I get into the car. He places his forearms on the open window and smiles. "It's not a date." I say softly as he looks me in the eyes. I pull out of the parking lot and drive away as I watch his smug face smirk.

Later that night

I pull up to Billy's house and take a deep breath in. I'm literally shaking. I've never been this nervous before. Especially not for a boy, considering I've never had a boy or girl to be nervous about. And the only type of nervous I've ever is when Papa would use me for his petty dirty work. I was always nervous doing things for him because of I did one thing wrong, I'd be thrown into a chamber of sorts. I'd cry and cry but no one ever came for me.

I step out of the car and let out a shaky breath before walking up to the door. Once I step on the welcome mat, I tense up. Maybe I should just go. I walk off the porch but then run back around to face the door to hopefully knock on it until I get cold feet again. This goes on and on for the next few seconds until I hear a car pull up into the driveway. I turn to the sound and see two adults come into view.
"I'm sorry. Do we know you?" The pretty red headed lady asks.
"Umm... no. Sorry for intruding, Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove. Your son, Billy and I were going to grab dinner tonight I just haven't had the chance to knock on the door because I'm terribly nervous." My voice starts to trail off slowly so to save myself from further embarrassment, I hold out my hand to them. "I'm, One. It's nice to meet you guys." I say with a smile. They both shake my hand followed by a chuckle. I guess they're laughing at my ramble. Mrs. Hargrove unlocks the door and Mr. Hargrove leads me in. When I step into the house, Mrs. Hargrove shouts out to who I assume is Max and Billy, and says that they were home.
"Please. Make yourself at home." Billy's dad offers and I smile.
"Thank you." I sit down on the couch and Mrs. Hargrove walks down the hall where the rooms are. I can hear Billy's music all the way from out here. Mrs. Hargrove walks back out and goes to Billy's dad.
"Max is gone." She says and Mr. Hargrove sighs heavily. Then I felt a wave of anger come from the dad. The same amount of anger I used to feel when I met Billy for the first time. Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove walk to a door and knock before calling out Billy's name.
"Yeah. I'm a little bit busy in here, Susan!" Billy says back. His dad wasn't having it.
"Open the door. Right now!" His dad yells.
I hear Billy open the door.
"What's wrong?" Billy asks. Billy and his dad have a brawl for a second then his dad brings up the fact that Max is gone. When that happens, I feel a wave of fear but I don't know from who.
"I don't know. She probably went to the arcade or something." Billy says. From where I'm siting, I can kinda see what's happening. His dad walks in so I stand up and walk behind Mrs. Hargrove.
"You're supposed to be watching her." Mr. Hargrove brings up.
"Yeah. I was, since you guys were 3 hours late and... I have a date." Billy says as he pops his collar. I giggle. "I'm sorry, Okay?" Billy adds on.
Billy and his dad battle with words again and I get worried. Billy starts to yell at his dad, telling him that he's been watching Max for a long time. At this point I want to step in, and just take Billy away but before I could, Billy's dad pushes him up against the book case. I figured the fear I felt from earlier was Mrs. Hargrove but then I realize it's Billy's.
Billy went from frustration to fear and Billy's dad was raging. I run into the room to go and stop Mr. H but Mrs. H pulls me back.
"What did we talk about?" Mr. H asks him. Billy looks at me then at his dad. Billy doesn't say anything so Mr. H smacks him in the face roughly, making me flinch and the sound of the impact. "What did we talk about?" He asks sternly.
"Respect and responsibility." Billy says.
"That is right. Now, apologize to Susan." Mr. H demands. Billy looks into his dads eyes and tears up.
"Billy." I whisper cry.
"I'm sorry, Susan." Billy apologizes.
"It's okay, Neal. Really." Mrs. H says but Mr. H disagrees.
"Nothing about his behavior is okay. But he's gonna make up for it." He says. Billy's dad looks at me and I freeze up.
"Don't touch her." Billy threatens and his dad laughs.
"I'm not even gonna acknowledged the fact she's here." His dad says and looks at the ground. "He's going to call whatever whore he was seeing tonight and cancel the date."
"She's not a whore." Billy defends me.
"I don't care. He's gonna go find his sister like the good, kind, respecting brother that he is. Isn't that right?" He says, waiting for Billy to respond. "ISN'T THAT RIGHT!" He shouts. "Yes Sir."
"Say that again."
"Yes. Sir." Billy says.
"Find Max." Was all that Mr. H says before walking out and Mrs. H follows behind him. Billy waits for them to leave then let's the tears fall down his face. I approach him slowly and say his name.
"Billy." I say softly. Billy takes his ring off and throws the to the side in anger before running his hands through his hair. "Billy." I say again and he blows up.
"You see this, One. This is the shit I have to go through EVERYDAY." He says. I sigh quietly then grab his hand and sit him down on his bed. "Everyday." He cry's out. I walk in between his legs and bring his head to my stomach and running my hands through his hair in attempt to comfort him. He wraps his hands around me for a second but then lets go. I pull away from him and he starts to get angry. He aggressively stands up and walks to his desk to grab my keys that I set down when I went to hug him.
"Billy?" I question but he ignores me. He grabs ahold of my hand and yanks me out of his room. "Billy." I say again.
"No. I'm taking you home." He says coldly.
"Billy!" I shout and he stops.
"What?!" He asks. I look him in the eyes. I touch his face and give the feeling of calm. He falls into my touch and I smile.
"Cover my eyes?" I ask. I push my back onto his stomach and he places his hands over my eyes. I concentrate deeply then see Mr. H sitting on his bed. "Heart attack" I state and then I hear Mr. H start to scream. I pull Billy's hands away from my eyes and turn to face him. He looks worried.
"Don't be worried. Its not a real heart attack." I tell him. He grabs my hand again and walks me to my car. He opens the passenger door for me, let's me get in and slams the door behind him. My guess is that the feeling of calm is wearing off.

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