Chapter 2: The Dunce

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At this point, my anger is through the roof. I'm not gonna take this miss treatment by an abusive dunce as himself.
"Oh yeah, hot shot?!" I growl back to him. "Well I'm not talking to you." I try to push him off of me but then pushes deeper into the locker. He looks me deep into my eyes and I keep a straight face. I don't want to show him I'm scared. He lets out a heavy breath onto my face through his nose.
"Watch where you're going." He says deeply and I scoff.
"Maybe if you weren't in my way," I knee him in the crouch and he falls to his knees. I grab his chin with my thumb and index finger and squeeze. "Then I wouldn't have to." I finish saying before throwing his chin to the side and storming out of the building. I push my back up against the nearest wall and take in deep breaths. The anger starts to subside and I can finally think straight. Being upset isn't not normal for me. I get angry all the time when I hear the birds chirping in the morning, when I stub my toe or when I can't get the pickle jar open. But this anger was different, deeper... unexplainable.
I walk back into the school and see the hallways flooding with my other school mates, meaning the bell had rang I've been out there for the past half hour. A half hour well spent might I add. I look to the ground and walk to my locker, trying not to draw attention to myself.
"Three to the right, four to the left." I mumble as I put in my locker combination. I put my previous books in and grab the ones I need for my French class. And I do so, I get a light tap on my shoulder which startled me to no end. I turn around frantically and nervously to see who it is. It's Nancy Wheeler and her boyfriend Steven Harrington.
I've never been in this type of situation where a popular kid comes and talks to me and I had a feeling this day was going to come some day so I made an action plan.
Step 1: Smile.
I smile widely but not too wide to the point where I'd scare them.
Step 2: Say "Hi!"
"Hi!" I say in a calm but excited voice so i don't come of as anymore of a freak then I already am.
"Hey!" Nancy says back with the same amount of enthusiasm. "You're name is One, right?" She asks.
Step 3: Keep calm.
"Yes ma'am. Why? Did someone send you over to mentally torture me?" I say in a joking matter. Nancy chuckles and Steve laughs out loud. I earned a laugh from the popular kids. Hip-hip-hooray.
"Well, there's this costume party tonight and I was hoping maybe you'd wanna come?" Nancy offers while holding out a price of paper for me grab.
"Yeah. It'll be fun. Booze, music..." Steve adds on as I take the paper from Nancy.
"Wow. This invitation is legit. Address and everything." I say and they both smile. "Is this a pity invite?" I ask and they exchange weird looks then say "No..." in unison.
"I'm only pulling your leg. I'd love to go." I shut my locker door then turn back to the couple. "I have to go to class but I'll see you guys there?" I ask as I walk away and they both agree.

The "End of School" bell rings and I make sure that I am the first one out of the classroom. Can you blame me? I was invited a party by Nancy Wheeler and Steve Harrington. I mean, who wouldn't be excited? I put all my belongings from my locker into my backpack and quickly but slowly made my way to the exit.
I throw my bags into my car and about to drive away until a feelings of fear crept down my spine. I turn around to see what's causing it and find a middle school girl with red hair skateboarding by. She stomps her skateboard into her hands and walks up to a car. It's the dunces car, from earlier. He looks over my way and I quickly make it seem like I'm doing something else and not going like I'm staring. The girl and him fight for a few seconds before they both get in the car and drive away. She's scared of him. Why?

Once I get home, I dash into the house and instantly play Oh, Pretty Woman by Roy Orbison on my record player. It feels like a good mood setter. I dance through the house, picking out a different pieces of clothing to put together for the perfect costume. This year, I'm gonna be a Pink Lady. You can't go wrong with a classic. Maybe I can get out of the "non popular hole" with this costume.

I pull up to the address that's on the paper and I see a bunch of people standing around outside drinking, dancing and making out. The typical movie party. I check myself in the rear view mirror and touch up something's before stepping out of the car. When I did, peoples heads turn in my direction, making me stop in my tracks for a split second. I continue walking to the house and get a few cat calls as I do. I guess my plan to get out of the "Non-pop hole" is working. When I get to the door, I see Dunce being held up by his feet while drinking from a keg. I couldn't help but watch. People where cheering Dunce on, counting up and smiling. I'm guessing this is a competition. Once they reach 42, Dunce stops drinking and they let him down. He spits some of the beer out of his mouth and shouts out into the air. Tommy H. hands Dunce a cigarette as everyone chants the name Billy. I guess now I can put a name with his face.
"That's how you do it, Hawkins! That's how you do it!" Billy shouts. As he walks to the house, he makes eye contact with me for a second then looks away as her walks to the door. The look was intense and scary. I let out a small breath then walk into the house. The first thing I see is Nancy and Steve so I hightail it over to them and say hi.
"Hey, Guys." I say happily. They both give me big smiles and greet me back. Nancy grabs my hand and spins me around as she cheers.
"You look amazing, One." Nancy says and I giggle.
"Yeah. We didn't know you had it in you." Steve adds and I roll my eyes.
"Well thank you." I say as a take a playful bow. I'm about to speak again but then I feel a rage coming on so I make an excuse to leave. "I'm gonna go get something to eat. I've been hungry all day." I say and they nod. I slip away from them and make my way to the bathroom just so that I can calm down. When I open the bathroom door, there's a couple making out on the toilet. I take a step back and observe. The girl turns her head to me and giggles.
"Wanna join?" She slurs. I shake my head no because I'm to much in shock to respond. They both leave the bathroom and I walk in and close the door.
What I don't understand is why I'm getting so angry all the time. I'm usually calm and collected but now, I can't go to school without wanting to kill something. I look myself in the mirror and sigh. I smack myself with both hands lightly and pat my face with water.
I walk out of the bathroom and make my way to the middle of the dance floor just so I can dance my heart out. Maybe I can fake my joy till I make it. As I dance, Tommy H. shouts out and the whole party stops and looks at him. I turn to the table Tommy is standing on and he smiles.
"So it looks like little Ms. Freak showed up tonight." Tommy announces and I roll my eyes knowing that I'm who he's talking about. I am about to turn around and walk away but then Tommy's girlfriend, Carol, pushes me back. Just to my luck, I had a feeling this would happen. The unpopular girl being the bet of the dickheads offensive joke. So of course I have a step by step plan for that too.
Step 1: Be Cool.
I roll my eyes and turn around to look Tommy in the eyes.
"Yeah. What are you gonna do about it?" I snark at him. The room ooo's and Tommy smirks sinisterly.
"The real question is, what are you gonna do about it." He says.
Step 2: Make It Seem Like Your On Their Level.
"Mind elaborating? Or are you not smart enough to know what that means?" I sass back confidently. Tommy clenches his jaw and I smile at my effect on him.
"Okay hot shot. Show us you really belong here." Tommy threatens.
"How?" I ask.
"You decide and I'll tell you if it's good enough."
Step 3: Out Shine High School Royalty.
Since Steve invited me here and is a good guy, I'd never think about denting his pride so I decide to dent Billy's.
"What's the girls highest Keg Stand score?" I ask with a sly smirk on my face.
"There isn't one." Carol says from behind me and I nod slowly.
"Well I guess I'm just gonna have beat Billy then." Everyone cheers. I look over at Billy and he squints at me. I flash him a fake smile and make my way out to the backyard where the kegs are. I place myself in front of the keg and Tommy H. and his friend stand behind me.
"The highest Billy went is 42 seconds. Make it past that and you're worthy." Tommy informs. "Alright. I'm ready." Tommy and his friend are about to lift me up but then Billy comes and tells Tommy's friend to move.
"I'll hold your feet. I need to see this for myself." He growls and I nod. On the count of three, I'm off the floor and I'm sucking down the beer. It's surprisingly easy but maybe I'm speaking too soon. I've only been on for about 30 seconds.
I start to get light headed at 37 seconds. I'm about to give out but then I remember what I'm fighting for, so I keep going and try to feed on the excitement.
I've hit the 43 seconds mark but decide to keep going so that I set the bar even higher. I need to impress them as much as possible.
Before I know it, I hit the 60 seconds mark and Billy and Tommy let me down. Everybody who surrounds me is cheering at the top of there lungs. I stand there swaying side to side and everyone gets quiet. I tap my chest twice and a burp comes out. The crowd cheers once again and I cheer right along with them.
Step 4: Make a Dramatic Announcement.
"Now...!" I shout out and everyone goes silent. "LETS PARTY!" I scream and everyone cheers loudly then follows me into the house.
As I'm dancing, I get a bit sick so I run to the bathroom, shut the door and puke my guts out. My fault for thinking I'm invincible.
When I leave the bathroom, the first thing I see is a drunk Nancy and a sober Steve fighting. I leave the situation because I don't wanna interfere. I just grab the closest cup near me and scoop out some of the punch and go to a corner where no one is. I rest my back on the wall and sip the drink in my hand. It taste weird so my face scrunch's up at the unfamiliarity. I look up and see Nancy tumbling into the bathroom with Steve following her. Steve looks upset. I put my attention back on the cup of "Pure Fuel" then take another sip.
"Hey!" I hear a manly voice say. I look up to the voice and come face to face with him. With Billy. My heart rate picks up and I become angry once again. And that's when it hits me. He's the cause of my anger. Every time he's around, I get mad. It would've been nice to know this earlier.
"What do you want, Billy?" I ask coldly. He chuckles.
"I see you're a pink lady." He says while taking a step closer. I look at him up and down and see that he's wearing a T-Birds leather jacket so I chuckle. He places his hand on my hip and I push it away. He places his other hand by my head, trapping me in the corner I'm standing in.
"Get out of my face." I growl at him. He aggressively put his finger in my face.
"Watch the attitude, One." He demands. "Or I'll..." before he can finish his sentence, he takes a step back and holds his head as he winces in pain.
"What was that Billy? You're gonna what?" I ask. I push past him and run through the crowd of people before getting outside. I get into my car and turn the key but the engine is dead. I scream out and punch my steering wheel. I exhale heavily then get out of my car and slam the door shut. How the hell am I gonna get home? Only about four people here brought a car. Me, Billy, Steve and this other guy who just came and there is no way in HELL I'm asking Billy for a ride.
As I'm thinking of another way to get home, Steve comes rushing out of the house. He feels... sad.
"Steve!" I call out. He turns around and sees me.
"What's up, One?" He asks.
"You wouldn't happen to have jumper cables would you?"
"No. Why?"
"Can you give me ride?" I ask. He sighs then nods.
"Yeah. Come on."

Steve and I sit in the car in silence. It's not awkward silence, it's just that I can tell he's upset so I say nothing. I just give him my address. I wonder what's got him so upset.
"Are you okay?" I ask quietly. He looks over at me and back to the road.
"Yeah. I'm... peachy-keen." He says in regards to my costume. I laugh. He looks at me again and squints. "I don't remember you coming to the party with fake blood." He says. I give him a confused look. He points to his nose and I go wide eyed. I touch my bottom lip and feel the blood coming from my nose. I wipe it away and smile.
"Yeah. I've always been so unpredictable." I joke then fake laugh.

Steve pulls up to my house after about 5 minutes of driving. I step out of the car and about to walk to the door but then I turn around and walk to his side of the car. I knock on his window and he rolls it down.
"Don't take this as me wanting to hook up or anything but, I can't tell you're upset and I don't wanna leave you alone, all depressed. Do you wanna come inside. I can make you hot chocolate." I offer nicely and he chuckles.
"Yeah. Yeah sure." He says before stepping out of the car.

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