He made his way back to the kitchen where Louis stood eating a banana. He wiggled his eyebrows and Harry let out an obnoxious laugh. He kissed him and smiled against his lips before pulling away. Louis started to continue eating the banana when Harry had a thought. He licked his lips before jumping up to sit on the countertop.

"You taste good," he said making Louis choke on the fruit. Harry laughed while Louis blushed, and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Harry was surprising Louis with his boldness, he seems to be doing that a lot lately. Which is good because Louis wants Harry to feel more comfortable around him. He was confident that if he kissed Louis, nothing bad would happen and that was all Louis needed to know to feel content.

"What'd you want to do today baby?" Louis asked hopping on the counter with Harry after tossing the banana in the trash can. Harry giggled, still blushing at the nickname. He doesn't think he'll ever hear Louis call him baby and not blush.

"Mhh, I was thinking we should go to the park, it might be little cold though," he suggested, and Louis's eyes brightened.

"That sounds like fun," he said jumping off and taking Harry's hand. They put on their shoes and coats because it was winter after all and stepped outside. They gasped as they gazed over the snowy white landscape. It looked beautiful when it was icy and decked in snow. An idea popped into Harry's head and he jogged down the path to the shed, nearly slipping a few times.

He pulled out the long sled and dragged it back to where Louis sat on the steps waiting to what Harry's "surprise" was. His eyebrows raised at the sight of the giant sled that almost resembled a wagon in its shape and cherry color of the plastic. He was even more surprised when he climbed in and laid back, ankles crossed and hands behind his head commanding the next words, "pull me".

"Uh uh, if anyone should be pulled around like royalty it should be me Harold," Louis sassed folding his arms. Harry pursed his lips and squinted his eyes before making a move to get out of the sled.

"Woah woah, stay put, I was just messing around. Now let's go to the park," Louis stated picking up the rope and pulling it abruptly making Harry fall back and laugh. As he sat back and let himself be dragged in the sled to the park, he almost didn't catch Louis mumble, "you really are the baby."

He smiled to himself, closing his eyes and repositioning his hands to cradle his head and before he knew he was rocketing down a giant slope.

"Louis!" he let out a scream when he looked back and saw his boyfriend waving at the top of the hill. They had arrived. He fell out of the sled right when he reached the bottom and rolled over with a breathy laugh. He was about to get back up when he turned his head and saw the figure that was Louis Tomlinson, rolling down the hill, straight towards him. He let out another scream and frantically jumped up and out of the way right before the older boy's body could've crashed into his own. They spent a couple more hours playing in the park until they were sure they had frostbite and were desperately craving hot cocoa.

"I can't believe you went for the face!"

"It was war Louis! Which I won by the way, who knew one little snowball to nose could defeat Louis Tomlinson?"

"Whatever Styles, you got lucky but next time I'm only aiming for head shots," Louis said with a playful smile, "anyways do you think your mum and Steve are home yet?"

"I don't know I'll text them- god my fingers are numb, okay and send. They're probably finishing up, Steve doesn't have a lot of stuff over there."

When they decided that it was time to go home and warm up, Harry said goodbye to the snow angel he made, and then to snow angel he forced Louis to make for teasing him about making a snow angel. On the way back home, they just walked beside eachother, dragging the sled along behind them. Louis subtly reached for Harry's hand and when he felt their fingers intertwine, he stuck their joint hands into his coat pocket. Harry couldn't feel his face from the cold, but he knew he was smiling from ear to ear.

They put everything back in place and made some hot chocolate with Harry sitting on the countertops once again. Louis thought about how pretty Harry looked in the snow, with his cheeks rosy and lips redder from the crisp air and snowflakes gracing his curls. He was a snow angel. Louis slowly stepped forward and let his heart do the talking.



"Can I kiss you?"

"Yes, you don't have to ask you know?" Harry teased ruffling Louis's hair.

The older boy was standing between his knees, his hand touching his cheek, and he started to lean in- until the phone started ringing. Harry chuckled, what timing?

"Hello?" he asked. Louis stood still in front of him trying to listen to the muffled words coming from the phone.

"Yes, uhm this is him- er he. I'm Harry yes, is something wrong?" he asked his heart starting to thump harder in his chest.

"Oh my God," he gasped, his eyes starting to tear up, "okay. Yes. Uhm, yes. Okay, thank you."

He started taking deep breaths to calm himself just like the woman on the line told him.

"Louis I need you to drive me to Johnson Hospital, it's my mum and Steve."

dun dun dunnnnnn. okay so is anyone still reading this, I plan on having at least five more chapters. At LEAST. i'm like the worst updater ever. im sorry if you believed my lies about how I was going to start updating more but honestly I believed them too. i'm also sorry about the inconsistency of the lengths of chapters cuz I have a chapter thats like 6,000 words and then this one is 1,615. I cant remember if I told you about it already but i've had a lot of ideas for new fics and one in particular i've already started working on. I want to talk a bit about my ideas so swipe up if interested in the books that will come after this one. -Ten

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