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Following behind the mysterious girl, I slowly gave her a quick go over. She stood nearly half of my height with light brown hair and a petite figure. She had a faint London accent with some mixes of an American words, I knew that she had to be from around here yet she didn't seem like she belonged. I had been out with a couple of girls like her, the ones that seemed shy at first but once she got comfortable she would be your best friend. It was kind of funny meeting her due to the fact that she reminded me a lot of my first real love, the one that management made me break things off nearly two years ago.

Holding the large door open for her, I quietly pointed down the hall as I gently closed it as we both started down to my room. Stopping at the second to last door on the left, I gradually stepped in front of her as I unlocked the door, welcoming her into one of my homes away from home. Watching her slowly make her way through the large room, I could tell that she hadn't been in many rooms like this. In a way it was your standard room, a big bed, TV, bathroom and a couple of useless pieces of furniture. However it did have an additional room usually used as a sitting room, with a sink, fridge and breakfast nook something that many high end rooms had. The way that she slowly ran her fingers over the dresser with a look of amazement in her eyes instantly made me smile. Her piercing blue eyes instantly grew another size as she spotted out the extra room, feeling hesitant to explore it, she slowly looked up at me as I gave her a small nod.

"Would you like something to drink?" I questioned as I followed her into the second room, "we have anything that you would ever want."

"Water?" she smiled as I shuffled over to the fridge.

"Of course" I grinned as I pulled open the large sliver door, exposing the nearly stocked shelves.

"So you never told me your name" I pointed out as I handed her the cold plastic bottle.

"And you never mentioned yours" she smirked as we both stood around the counter.

"Oh" I scoffed, "I didn't think I would ever hear that.."

"And why is that? You know not everyone is up to date on pop culture."

"So you do know who I am" I laughed.

"Not necessarily" she winked, "I know you must be someone special to have a room like this."

"And yours isn't this nice?" I asked a bit confused.

"It's nice" she choked out, "but, nothing like this."

Letting out a laugh, I watched as she turned and made her way to the large sofa which sat just in the corner of the small living room. Running my eyes over her body once again, I couldn't help but stare as a small smile lingered at the ends of her mouth. She was nothing but a mystery to me but for some reason it was as if I had known her my whole life. Her lightly tanned skin fit perfectly against the light grey of my sweatshirt even though it was nearly two sizes too big it still seemed to fit her in all the perfect spots.

"I'm Elise" she muttered as I was snapped from my thoughts.

"Elise?" I grinned, "that's an interesting name.

"And why is that?" she scoffed, "it's really nothing special."

"Judging by your accent you have to be from here, yet Elise isn't a very British name, is it?"

"Well, no...but my parents are your normal tea drinking British folks."

"What do you mean?"

"It's a long story" she sighed, "something that would take longer than a few minutes to entertain you."

Secrets--Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now