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Pushing through the large glass door of the brothel, I quickly gave a nod to the resident DJ, Max, as I made my way to the back room where weekly and monthly meetings were held. The main room where the DJ and most of the business transactions occurred was a dimly lit with small cubicles near the back with a large dance area accompanied by a large bar up front. At the main door usually stood two large bodyguards with clipboards of names, ID checkpoints and their lunch for the night. Some business was taken care at the brothel which was the reason for the cubicles and the reason that many parties where thrown in the main room every weekend. Many of the rank 1's and some 2's had to do the party business while the higher rank girls were able to go out and get their business. Lucky for me Amelia had talked Ashland into letting me go out on my own, however I had to make a certain amount to be able to stay a free agent.

Appearing in the crowded meeting room, I quietly sunk into the background, taking a seat in front of one of the large vanities that girls that worked during the weekend parties used to get ready. The meeting room eventually doubled as the dressing room, but for important matters like pay out and work assignments it became our meeting room.  Pulling my hair from the wet ponytail, I gradually brushed my fingers through it as I eavesdropped in on a couple of random conversations. Being the new girl on the job I hadn't really got to talk to many of the girls, yet most of them didn't want to talk to me anyway. Being new on this type of job wasn't a good thing, many of the veteran girls would eventually become jealous of you, especially if you got more attention or money than them. The other new girls would only see you as competion and would do anything to get you out of the job whether it be to lie on you or to even sabotage your condoms. You had to look out for yourself and stick to what you knew there was no time for making friends, but thanks to me I had already had one of the best, Amelia.

Like I said, Amelia and I had been friends from school, she was the loud and crazy one with the looks any girl would want. She was always getting called out for wearing too much make up, or wearing her skirt too short but she really didn't care. Amelia had one thing on her mind whilst at school and that was guys, no not the ones in grades below us or the ones in our class but the older ones even some teachers. Just a couple of weeks left of secondary school, Amelia was said to have had sex with three University boys and one of the teachers, no names were ever exposed but I secretly knew each and every one of them. It really didn't surprise me to see her drift into a job like this, I mean sex had been a big part of her life for years so why not make it into a career? I however would have never thought that I would be doing this. But thanks to my jackass of an ex I owed mob bosses, financial companies, and banks back in the US. It was a lot of money of which I had to pay or I would have to be sent back there and be put in jail. My life hadn't turned out how I wanted it to, but things could have turned out worse, right?

Tying my hair in a low over the shoulder braid, I slowly made out a familiar voice as I turned to see Amelia discussing something that seemed to be important with Ashland. Gliding over to them, I instantly painted on a smile and waved my hand as Amelia finally spotted me out of the corner of her eye.

"There you are!" yelped Amelia as she threw up her hands, wrapping them around me as I stopped next to her.

"I am here" I muttered as I felt Ashland run her eyes over me.

"Are you sure?" huffed Ashland, "she's still a rank 2."

"Trust me boss, I know the things this pup can do. I mean those guys like the skinny model eyes type. She has a decent rack and once we put some new make up on her she will look like an actress from the states."

I knew exactly what Amelia was trying to do. Ashland had apparently had a rank 4 drop from her and there was some kind of wave of important people coming in and she couldn't spare any of her other rank 4's to help. Surprisingly Amelia was trying to help me something that the other girls wouldn't do.

Secrets--Harry Styles FanficOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora